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NC51222 Strategic game

题目链接 题目 题目描述 Bob enjoys playing computer games, especially strategic games, but sometimes he cannot find the solution fast enough and then he is very sad. Now he has the following problem. He must defend a medieval city, the roads of which form a tr

1004 Strategic game 树的最小点覆盖

 链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/25022/1004来源:牛客网 题目描述 Bob enjoys playing computer games, especially strategic games, but sometimes he cannot find the solution fast enough and then he is very sad. Now he has the follow

Business Model - Strategy

Strategy The strategy concerns the determination of the long-term goals and objectives of the company and the implementation of the guidelines and the allocation of the resources necessary for the pursuit of the set objectives. Entrepreneurship Challen

Strategic game POJ - 1463 树型dp

//题意:就是你需要派最少的士兵来巡查每一条边。相当于求最少点覆盖,用最少的点将所有边都覆盖掉//题解://因为这是一棵树,所以对于每一条边的两个端点,肯定要至少有一个点需要放入士兵,那么对于x->y这一条边//dp[x][0]=0 表示在x这一点上不放人士兵//dp[x][1]=1 表示在x这一个点上放入

Strategic game POJ - 1463 【最小点覆盖集】

Bob enjoys playing computer games, especially strategic games, but sometimes he cannot find the solution fast enough and then he is very sad. Now he has the following problem. He must defend a medieval city, the roads of which form a tree. He has to put t

poj1463 Strategic game

http://poj.org/problem?id=1463   树形dp dp[i][0/1]表示放与不放 直接转移   #include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>using namespace std;const int N=1505;int n;int head[N],ver[N<<1],nxt[N<<1],ce;int f[N][2];void dfs(int now,int

HDU1054 Strategic Game

题面:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1054 本题是求树的最小点覆盖裸题。 Code: #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<ctime> using namespace s