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$(function(){ var sStudentList='' $.ajax({ url:'', data:{ page:1, size:8 }, success:function(data){ var records=data.data.records $.each(records,function(index,item){ sStudentList+=<li class='

1006 Sign In and Sign Out(25分)

At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the computer room will unlock the door, and the last one who signs out will lock the door. Given the records of signing in's and out's, you are supposed to find the ones who have unloc

[LeetCode] 2034. Stock Price Fluctuation

You are given a stream of records about a particular stock. Each record contains a timestamp and the corresponding price of the stock at that timestamp. Unfortunately due to the volatile nature of the stock market, the records do not come in order. Even

PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1006 Sign In and Sign Out 分数 25 Python 解法

题目 At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the computer room will unlock the door, and the last one who signs out will lock the door. Given the records of signing in's and out's, you are supposed to find the ones who have un

Caused by: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: 30,000 milliseconds timeout on elasticsearch 超时问题

/** * 查询所有酒店信息 */ List<TabHotel> records= tabHotelMapper.getHotelList(); System.out.println("酒店数据"+records); //将数据保存带es中 //1 给es中建立索引 product 建立好映射关系 //2 保存数据到es中 BulkRequest bulkRequest = new BulkReq

When to Use Clustered or Non-Clustered Indexes in SQL Server

When to Use Clustered or Non-Clustered Indexes in SQL Server Database indexes are used to improve the speed of database operations in a table with a large number of records. Database indexes (both clustered indexes and non-clustered indexes) are quite sim


public IPage<ContractCodeRuleVo> listAll(ContractCodeRuleFindDto findDto, ContractCodeRuleSearchDto contractCodeRuleSearchDto) { IPage<ContractCodeRuleVo> contractCodeRuleAll = contractCodeRuleMapper.findContractCodeRuleAll(findDto.toPage()


https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1659440526240768516&wfr=spider&for=pc   Kafka性能测试内容 性能测试内容: kafka的测试主要分为producer端的吞吐量,consumer端的吞吐量,以及判断影响两者的因素。在实际测试环境中,需根据具体情况调整测试的数据量与参数。 性能测试工具:


242. 有效的字母异位词 哈希表方法,可适应更大规模字符集 class Solution: def isAnagram(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool: dict_ = {} for ch in s: if ch in dict_: dict_[ch] += 1 else: dict_[ch

【Azure 事件中心】使用Kafka消费Azure EventHub中数据,遇见消费慢的情况可以如何来调节呢?

问题描述 使用Kafka消费Azure EventHub中数据,遇见消费慢的情况可以如何来调节呢?   问题解答 查看Kafka Consumer的配置参数,其中最只要的一个参数为:max.poll.records, 表示Consumer每次调用poll()时取到的records的最大数。一般情况,在增加max.poll.records后,能让消费速度起到明显的


1)Kafka压测 用Kafka官方自带的脚本,对Kafka进行压测。 kafka-consumer-perf-test.sh kafka-producer-perf-test.sh Kafka压测时,在硬盘读写速度一定的情况下,可以查看到哪些地方出现了瓶颈(CPU,内存,网络IO)。一般都是网络IO达到瓶颈。 2)Kafka Producer压力测试 (0)压测环境准备 ①

mybatisplus exception:One record is expected, but the query result is multiple records

mybatisplus exception:One record is expected, but the query result is multiple records 原因:使用getOne(queryWrapper),查出了多条数据 解决方案:如果想取一条并不想报错时使用getOne(queryWrapper,false) 源码: public interface IService<T> {     /**     * 根据 Wr


一、介绍 CRUD即增加(Create)、查询(Retrieve)、更新(Update)、删除(Delete)四个单词的首字母缩写。 In computing, CRUD is an acronym for create, Retrieve, update, and delete. It is used to refer to the basic functions of a database or persistence layer in a softwar

Jmeter - Json提取器

一、用法说明         此提取器用于提取请求返回结果中的某个值或者某一组值,用法比正则表达式要简单,标准写法为$.key,其中key为返回结果map中的一个键,如果是多层则继续用.key进行即可,如果遇到key的value值为一个List,则使用.key[n],其中n为list中元素的编号,如下使用实例来


An archive is an accumulation of historical records - in any media - or the physical facility in which they are located. Archives contain primary source documents that have accumulated over the course of an individual or organization's lifetime, and

yarn Integrity check failed ... computed integrity doesn‘t match our records

        今天搞了一下午,终于解决了,之前的都是umi2.0版本,现在升级到了umi3.0就会有很多的不兼容问题。 建议 清理缓存   $itwp: ​​​​​​​yarn cache clean 安装依赖 命令参考 https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/install/ $itwp: ​​​​​​​ yarn insta

来自Castled 官方的一篇性能对比

转自:https://medium.com/castled/fastest-reverse-etl-platform-census-vs-hightouch-vs-castled-3d2975dd4e55Fastest Reverse ETL Platform: Census vs Hightouch vs CastledIt is not even a year since the term Reverse ETL was coined. Since then, hundreds of modern d


总体结构 数据文件(space file) 图来源于https://github.com/jeremycole/innodb_diagrams page 0,1,3 是预留的page page0 FSP_HDR 描叙tablespace的基本信息和extend的基本信息 page1 insert buffer bitmap的基本信息 page2 是inode page page3 index page 真实的数据信息


Mysql爬取数据时,未转义报错 代码信息 for i in range(0,len(records)): author = records[i]['author'] userId = author['userId'] userName = author['name'] postTime = records[i]['createTime'] sql = "REPLACE INT

Delphi Records与classes几点不同

Though records can now share much of the functionality of classes, there are some important differences between classes and records. Records do not support inheritance. Records can contain variant parts; classes cannot. Records are value types, so they a

论文修改建议 (PanCF 20211025 长句子改成几个短句子)

Behavior imitation of individual board game players 可以把 behavior imitation 列为 keywordby dividing the imitation process into two stages → \to → 技术比阶段


# 242.有效字母异位词 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/valid-anagram 给定两个字符串 s 和 t ,编写一个函数来判断 t 是否是 s 的字母异位词。 注意:若s 和 t中每个字符出现的次数都相同,则称s 和 t互为字母异位词。 示例1: 输入: s = "anagram", t = "nagaram" 输出: true 示例

Kafka java消费者拉取消息源码

消费者Demo 1 import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord; 2 import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords; 3 import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer; 4 import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer


  业务表LGLK_QXDTB Fwqbh 有多条记录,只需要改字段最新的一条记录。   sql如下   select * from (select q.Fcrfs, Fmjsj, '' Fdate, '' Ftime,LGLK_RECORDS.FmemberName,q.Fbmmc, a.ssdwmc, a.wqmc,a.wqlx,a.qh,dbo.GET_SJBM_BYID(q.fsjbmbm,'2') AS SJBM2 ,

vue 数组修改 页面无法刷新

saveData: { current: 1, records:[] , total:0}, countSaveMoney:{ bidSuccessMoney:0, saveMoney:0},页面上有这两个对象,当records为空是,页面始终无法刷新,通过 that.$set(that.saveDataRecords, 0, data.saveData.records); Object.assign( that.save