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iContact respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, iContact will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy P


iLocalizable respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, iLocalizable will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this P


简单的个人主页 参考了Github上一些开源项目资源 预览:  live at https://yukirinll.github.io/Personal-Profile/ 预览图:   代码: https://github.com/YukiRinLL/Personal-Profile


github 生成 Personal Access Token 头像 –> Settings –> Developer settings –> Personal access tokens –> Generate new token

[Bug0014] Hexo+Github 搭建博客报错 :remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13,

1、问题: remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 202x. Please use a personal access token instead. remote: Please see https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more information. fat

PHP系列 | PHP中的stdClass是什么?

简介 stdClass 是 PHP 中的空类,用于将其他类型转换为对象。它类似于 Java 或 Python 对象。 stdClass 不是对象的基类 转换为对象 如果将一个对象转换成对象,它将不会有任何变化。如果其它任何类型的值被转换成对象,将会创建一个内置类 stdClass 的实例。如果该值为 null,则新的实

go eth 踩坑 crypto.Sign 与 eth.account.signHash 或者 web3Process.web3.eth.personal.sign 签名结果不同 除了最后一位 都匹配

从 go-ethereum 实现 Ethereum personal_sign (EIP-191) 给出了与ethers.js web3.py web3.js solidy.sgin不同的签名原文 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69762108/implementing-ethereum-personal-sign-eip-191-from-go-ethereum-gives-different-s   js 签名消息代码

My Onair Privacy Policy

        My Onair is a Masoair (hereinafter referred to as "we") provide products. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We hope to explain to you through this "Privacy Policy" how we collect, use,


个人软件过程(Personal Software Process,PSP)是一种可用于控制、管理和改进个人工作方式的自我持续改进过程,是一个包括软件开发表格、指南和规程的结构化框架。PSP与具体的技术(程序设计语言、工具或者设计方法)相对独立,其原则能够应用到几乎任何的软件工程任务之中。PSP能够说明个


iBluetooth respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, iBluetooth will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Priva

docker login 问题:unauthorized: please use personal access token to login

问题描述 [root@myHost docker]# docker login -u xliuovodocker Password: Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": unauthorized: please use personal access token to login 问题解决 1、登录到 Docker Hub 2、进入 【Account Settings

GIT Push and Pull

origin push and pull command, need user name and password: https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/git-push-pull password authentication was removed please use a personal access token instead: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68775869/support-fo

Github关于PAT(Personal Access Token)

Github关于PAT(Personal Access Token) 创建个人访问令牌 您应该通过命令行或 API 创建个人访问令牌来代替密码。 注意: 如果您在命令行上使用 GitHub CLI 向 GitHub 验证,您可以跳过生成个人访问令牌,并通过网页浏览器进行身份验证。 在使用GitHub API 或命令行时,可使用个人访问令

Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access tok

问题: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.remote: Please see https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ for more information. 办法: 访问相应网


一.转换实例 1、数据准备 创建一个数据库personal,并在该数据库中创建两张数据表,即数据表personal_a和数据库personal_b。​ ​   2.打开kettle工具,创建转换 通过使用Kettle工具创建一个转换field_stitching,并添加“表输入”控件、“JavaScript代码”控件、“插入/更新”控件

如何使用Git command登錄Github

[1]CoderDave, How to Create a Personal Access Token in GitHub, Mar 12, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzrETQdGzBM   【轉註】Github自2021年8月13日起不再支持Git command使用密碼登錄,而需要使用token。登錄Github網頁可產生token。 Settings\Developer setting

Intermediate-Personal Verbal Assessment review L6

The future Intermediate Topic LEVEL 6 The future Talking about the environment Talking about the future technology Discussing business changes Writing about life in the future. Hopes and dreams Talking about your hopes for the future Discussing life choic

Intermediate-Personal Verbal Assessment

Intermediate-Personal Verbal Assessment Thursday, October 07 @ 15:30 (UTC+08:00) Peter H. Video lesson Hello,Teacher,My name is Eistert,I am a programmer.In my free time.I like go hikeing,play basketball and running in the park.Nice to meet you. I parpare

Personal Verbal Assessment

Date 05/05/2021 Topic Personal Verbal Assessment-Elementary Status PASS Teacher Sammy H. Teacher's Note Overall Hello, Eistert. Thank you for attending your ELE stage assessment. Congratulations. You achieved a grade of “pass” in your Personal Verbal


之前写过一个增量打zip包的,目前是需要做个一个增量svn打包优化版,包括svn单版本,连续版本,跳版本都能打包。 首先看一下已做好的构建页面:    目开始看工程的配置及脚本: 1、构建参数设置:             groovy部分脚本: if (type.equals("APP")) { if (phase.equals("AP


全文阅读:https://www.lianxh.cn/news/f1fe693db363c.html 我曾写过一篇推文 聊聊Stata中的profile文件,说明了 Stata 中 profile.do 文档的设定思路和方法。现在,我的思路发生了一些变化,也更新了我的 profile.do。 下面,我分享一下我的想法和做法。 多年以来我一直把「persona


这个作业属于属于哪个课程 网工1934-软件工程 作业要求在哪里 作业要求 作业目标 通过独立完成个人项目熟悉软件开发流程,提高编程能力 作业github链接 PSP表格 |PSP2.1|Personal Software Process Stages

Django 学习四--bootstrap

1.前端基础 html:看一下标签 css:装饰页面,操纵页面布局 js:前端专用语言 jquery:是js的一个封装库,语法和js稍微不太一样 2.快速美化页面 bootstrap库找到css链接:https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.1.1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css bootstrap.min.css中间min的意思是压缩版本,上

Django 学习3--CreateView

1. 表单 表单有两种:Form和ModelForm Form是普通的表单,需要我们自己定义一些字段,跟model无关,跟前端有关 ModelForm是跟model有关联的,跟前端也有关,利用后端对model的定义,会对前端的数据进行校验 2.示例 在first_project/personal_info路径下,新建forms.py文件(这是约定俗成的)  a.Form

Django 学习2--ListView

1. 五大视图 动作 视图名 是否需要model(官方) 是否需要form 增 CreateView 是 是 删 DeleteView 是 否 改 UpdateView 是 是 查 ListView, DetailView 是 否             ListView是继承TemplateView 2. 开始一个小项目 项目介绍:新馆疫情登记 项目要求:列表,列出