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python基础教程100例题: 19&20

19、题目:一个数如果恰好等于它的因子之和,这个数就称为"完数"。例如6=1+2+3.编程找出1000以内的所有完数。           解决这个题目需要完成两步,一是找到所有因子,而是因子相加正好等于原数。可以用 if 语句判断这个数是不是因子,如果是它的因子,那么每一次都要让这个数减去因

Java //PP2.6 编写一个应用程序,将英里转换为千米(1英里等于1.60935千米)。以浮点数类型读取用户输入的英里数

Java程序设计教程(第七版) John Lewis & William Loftus 电子工业出版社   PP2.6 编写一个应用程序,将英里转换为千米(1英里等于1.60935千米)。以浮点数类型读取用户输入的英里数   注意:在不同的IDE环境下,有部分代码可能需要变更。Java代码中的package和class名称自行设置,本文


Java帝国的诞生 C语言 1972年诞生、贴近硬件、运行快、效率高; 两个枷锁:指针、内存管理(C语言放任不管,自己分配自己释放,编译的时候不显示,运行的时候才会报错) C++ 1982年诞生、面向对象、兼容C语言、但是更复杂(令人吃惊)、在图形领域和游戏领域还是很有用 想要建立新的语言 要求:语法像

Vocabulary: mileage - raisin

1.  mileage     As an F1 driver, my daily mileage training involved more than 500 miles.     (distance traveled in miles by a vehicle)   2.  khaki     These khaki pants are great because they don't show the dirt!     (a yellowish-brown co

C sharp 字符串魔法

.net core 版本: 1 using System; 2 3 ... ... 4 5 Console.WriteLine(Environment.OSVersion.ToString()); 6 Console.WriteLine(Environment.Version.ToString()); 输出: 1 Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 2 3.1.12   IDE:VS 2019 COMMUNITY   魔法1:@ 修饰的 as is 的字

Python3 为变量赋值

Python3 为变量赋值 #!/usr/bin/python3 counter = 100 # An integer assignment miles = 1000.0 # A floating point name = "John" # A string print (counter) print (miles) print (name) 本文转载自:http://codingdict.com/article/19399

Speed Limit (POJ 2017)

Description Bill and Ted are taking a road trip. But the odometer in their car is broken, so they don’t know how many miles they have driven. Fortunately, Bill has a working stopwatch, so they can record their speed and the total time they have driven


class Car(): def __init__(self,make,model,year): self.make = make self.model = model self.year = year self.odometer_reading = 20 def get_descriptive_name(self):

STAT 462

Homework 3STAT 462: Summer 2019 Note: This homework focuses on types of explanatory variables. It is worth 30 points. You are free to discuss answers with your classmates. However, your submission must be written independently and reflect you own understa