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列举词性 表达聪明、智慧相关的形容词有:intelligent、intellectual、talented、smart、clever。 表达聪明、智慧相关的名词有:intelligence、intellect、talent、wisdom、wit。 形容词 intelligent The dolphin is an intelligent animal. 海豚是聪明的动物。 She is more inte

Intellectual Property -- Specific factual IP Questions

1.           What is intellectual property, and why do we protect it? What does society gain from intellectual property laws’ existence? What trade-offs are made by the inventors/creators to obtain protection?   Intellectual property- a work o

The Road to SDN: An Intellectual History of Programmable Networks (End)

4. Conclusion 单词学习   翻译 This paper has offered an intellectual history of programmable networks. The idea of a programmable network initially took shape as active networking, which espoused many of the same visions as SDN, but lacked both a clear use

The Road to SDN: An Intellectual History of Programmable Networks (五)

3. Network Virtualization 单词学习 翻译 In this section, we discuss network virtualization, a prominent early “use case” for SDN. Network virtualization presents the abstraction of a network that is decoupled from the underlying physical equipment. Netw

The Road to SDN: An Intellectual History of Programmable Networks (四)

2.3 OpenFlow and Network OSes 单词学习   翻译 In the mid-2000s, researchers and funding agencies gained interest in the idea of network experimentation at scale, encouraged by the success of experimental infrastructures (e.g., PlanetLab [6] and Emulab [83

The Road to SDN: An Intellectual History of Programmable Networks(二)

2..The Road to SDN 单词学习 翻译 Making computer networks more programmable enables innovation in network management and lowers the barrier to deploying new services. In this section, we review early work on programmable networks. We divide the history into