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The Road to SDN: An Intellectual History of Programmable Networks(二)


2..The Road to SDN



Making computer networks more programmable enables innovation in network management and lowers the barrier to deploying new services. In this section, we review early work on programmable networks. We divide the history into three stages, as shown in Figure 1. Each stage has its own contributions to the history: (1) active networks (from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s), which introduced programmable functions in the network to enable greater to innovation; (2) control and data plane separation (from around 2001 to 2007), which developed open interfaces between the control and data planes; and (3) the OpenFlow API and network operating systems(from 2007 to around 2010), which represented the first instance of widespread adoption of an open interface and developed ways to make control-data plane separation scalable and practical


  1. 主动网络(从20世纪90年代中期到21世纪初),它在网络中引入了可编程功能,以实现更大的创新。
  2. 控制和数据平面分离(从2001年到2007年左右),开发了控制和数据平面之间的开放接口。
  3. OpenFlow API和网络操作系统(2007年至2010年左右)代表了广泛采用开放接口的第一个实例,并开发了使控制数据平面分离具有可扩展性和实用性的方法

Network virtualization played an important role throughout the historical evolution of SDN, substantially predating SDN yet taking root as one of the first significant use cases for SDN. We discuss network virtualization and its relationship to SDN in Section 3.



2.1 Active Networking



The early- to mid-1990s saw the Internet take off, with applications and appeal that far outpaced the early applications of file transfer and email for scientists. More diverse applications and greater use by the general public drew researchers who were eager to test and deploy new ideas for improving network services. To do so, researchers designed and tested new network protocols in small lab settings and simulated behavior on larger networks. Then, if motivation and funding persisted, they took ideas to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to standardize these protocols. The standardization process was slow and ultimately frustrated many researchers


In response, some networking researchers pursued an alternative approach of opening up network control, roughly based on the analogy of the relative ease of re-programming a standalone PC. Specifically, conventional networks are not “programmable” in any meaningful sense of the word. Active networking represented a radical approach to network control by envisioning a programming interface (or network API) that exposed resources (e.g., processing, storage, and packet queues) on individual network nodes, and supported the construction of custom functionality to apply to a subset of packets passing through the node. This approach was anathema to many in the Internet community who advocated that simplicity in the network core was critical to Internet success.


The active networks research program explored radical alternatives to the services provided by the traditional Internet stack via IP or by Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), the other dominant networking approach of the early 1990s. In this sense, active networking was the first in a series of cleanslate approaches to network architecture [14] subsequently pursued in programs such as GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovations) [33] and NSF FIND (Future Internet Design) [31] in the United States, and EU FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation Initiative) [32] in the European Union

主动网络研究计划探索了传统互联网协议栈通过IP或异步传输模式(ATM)提供服务的根本替代方案,ATM是20世纪90年代早期的另一种主要网络方式。leanslate网络架构方法随后在美国的GENI(网络创新的全球环境)和NSF Find(未来互联网设计)和欧洲的EU Fire(未来互联网研究和实验倡议)等项目中进行。

pean Union. The active networking community pursued two programming models:

  • • the capsule model, where the code to execute at the nodes was carried in-band in data packets 
  • the programmable router/switch model, where the code to execute at the nodes was established by out-of-band mechanisms


The capsule model came to be most closely associated with active networking. In intellectual connection to subsequent efforts, though, both models have some lasting legacy. Capsules envisioned installation of new data-plane functionality across a network, carrying code in data packets (as in earlier work on packet radio [88]) and using caching to improve efficiency of code distribution. Programmable routers placed decisions about extensibility directly in the hands of the network operator.


Technology push and use pull. The “technology pushes” that encouraged active networking included reduction in the cost of computing, making it conceivable to put more processing in the network, advances in programming languages such as Java that offered platform portability and some code execution safety, and virtual machine technology that protected the host machine (in this case the active node) and other processes from misbehaving programs [70]. Some active networking research projects also capitalized on advances in rapid code compilation and formal methods


An important catalyst in the active networking ecosystem was funding agency interest, in particular the Active Networks program created and supported by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from the mid-1990s into the early 2000s. Although not all research work in active networks was funded by DARPA, the funding program supported a collection of projects and, perhaps more importantly, encouraged convergence on a terminology and set of active network components so that projects could contribute to a whole meant to be greater than the sum of the parts [14]. The Active Networks program placed an emphasis on demonstrations and project inter-operability, with a concomitant level of development effort. The bold and concerted push from a funding agency in the absence of near-term use cases may have also contributed to a degree of community skepticism about active networking that was often healthy but could border on hostility and may have obscured some of the intellectual connections between that work and later efforts to provide network programmability


The “use pulls” for active networking described in the literature of the time [15,74] are remarkably similar to the examples used to motivate SDN today. The issues of the day included network service provider frustration with the timescales necessary to develop and deploy new network services (so-called network ossification), third-party interest in value-added, finegrained control to dynamically meet the needs of particular applications or network conditions, and researcher desire for a platform that would support experimentation at scale. Additionally, many early papers on active networking cited the proliferation of middleboxes, including firewalls, proxies, and transcoders, each of which had to be deployed separately and entailed a distinct (often vendor-specific) programming model. Active networking offered a vision of unified control over these middleboxes that could ultimately replace the ad hoc, one-off approaches to managing and controlling these boxes [74]. Interestingly, the early literature foreshadows the current trends in network functions virtualization (NFV) [19], which also aims to provide a unifying control framework for networks that have complex middlebox functions deployed throughput.


Intellectual contributions. Active networks offered intellectual contributions that relate to SDN. We note three in particular


Programmable functions in the network to lower the barrier to innovation. Research in active networks pioneered the notion of programmable networks as a way to lower the barrier to network innovation. The notion that it is difficult to innovate in a production network and pleas for increased programmability were commonly cited in the initial motivation for SDN. Much of the early vision for SDN focused on control-plane programmability, whereas active networks focused more on data-plane programmability. That said, data-plane programmability has continued to develop in parallel with control-plane efforts [5, 21], and data-plane programmability is again coming to the forefront in the emerging NFV initiative. Recent work on SDN is exploring the evolution of SDN protocols such as OpenFlow to support a wider range of data-plane functions [11]. Additionally, the concepts of isolation of experimental traffic from normal traffic—which have their roots in active networking—also appear front and center in design documents for OpenFlow [51] and other SDN technologies (e.g., FlowVisor [29])


Network virtualization, and the ability to demultiplex to software programs based on packet headers. The need to support experimentation with multiple programming models led to work on network virtualization. Active networking produced an architectural framework that describes the components of such a platform [13]. The key components of this platform are a shared Node Operating System (NodeOS) that manages shared resources; a set of Execution Environments (EEs), each of which defines a virtual machine for packet operations; and a set of Active Applications (AAs) that work within a given EE to provide an end-to-end service. Directing packets to a particular EE depends on fast pattern matching on header fields and demultiplexing to the appropriate EE. Interestingly, this model was carried forward in the PlanetLab [60] architecture, whereby different experiments run in virtual execution environments, and packets are demultiplexed into the appropriate execution environment on their packet headers. Demultiplexing packets into different virtual execution environments has also been applied to the design of virtualized programmable hardware data planes [5].


• The vision of a unified architecture for middlebox orchestration. Although the vision was never fully realized in the active networking research program, early design documents cited the need for unifying the wide range of middlebox functions with a common, safe programming framework. Although this vision may not have directly influenced the more recent work on NFV, various lessons from active networking research may prove useful as we move forward with the application of SDN-based control and orchestration of middleboxes


Myths and misconceptions. Active networking included the notion that a network API would be available to end-users who originate and receive packets, though most in the research community fully recognized that end-user network programmers would be rare [15]. The misconception that packets would necessarily carry Java code written by end users made it possible to dismiss active network research as too far removed from real networks and inherently unsafe. Active networking was also criticized at the time for not being able to offer practical performance and security. While performance was not a first-order consideration of the active networking research community (which focused on architecture, programming models, and platforms), some efforts aimed to build high-performance active routers [84]. Similarly, while security was under-addressed in many of the early projects, the Secure Active Network Environment Architecture project [2] was a notable exception.


In search of pragmatism. Although active networks articulated a vision of programmable networks, the technologies did not see widespread deployment. Many factors drive the adoption of a technology (or lack thereof). Perhaps one of the biggest stumbling blocks that active networks faced was the lack of an immediately compelling problem or a clear path to deployment. A significant lesson from the active networks research effort was that “killer” applications for the data plane are hard to conceive. The community proffered various applications that could benefit from in-network processing, including information fusion, caching and content distribution, network management, and application-specific quality of service [15, 74]. Unfortunately, although performance benefits could be quantified in the lab, none of these application areas demonstrated a sufficiently compelling solution to a pressing need.


Subsequent efforts, which we describe in the next subsection, were more modest in terms of the scope of problems they addressed, focusing narrowly on routing and configuration management. In addition to a narrower scope, the next phase of research developed technologies that drew a clear distinction and separation between the functions of the control and data planes. This separation ultimately made it possible to focus on innovations in the control plane, which not only needed a significant overhaul but also (because it is commonly implemented in software) presented a lower barrier to innovation than the data plane


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/fcw245838813/p/12141974.html