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每届FIFA世界杯我们都会看到一张全新的官方海报。这些世界杯海报一直是为了代表比赛而设计的,通过将比赛的荣耀和美丽与每个主办国的文化元素相融合,创造出真正的足球庆典。 最近,美国设计师詹姆斯·泰勒(JamesTaylor)为自己制定了一个个人项目,重新设计前19届世界杯的每张官方海报。正

A Child's History of England.104

It was in vain for the Dauphin to pretend that this base murder was not done with his consent; it was too bad, even for France, and caused a general horror. The duke's heir hastened to make a treaty with King Henry, and the French Queen engaged [答应]


function []=datapro714()% 处理的数据截止7/14/20% [csvdata,~,rawcsvdata] = xlsread('who_covid_19_sit_rep_time_series.csv');[~,~,rawconfirmed] = xlsread('time_series_covid_19_confirmed.csv');[~,~,rawDeaths] = xlsread('time_series_covid_19_

Paris Tour

法国巴黎 Paris, The capital of France, the City of Light, evokes romantic emotions in anyone who has ever visited. This centuries-old city is the most visited city in the world, and for good reason. There is plenty to do in Paris to satisfy travelers of all

France Alternative forms Fraunce

Fraunce See also: france and Francë English France Alternative forms Fraunce In Fraunce, the inhabitants of one city were driven out and forced to leave it. Fraunce,officially the FrenchRepublic,Fraunce emerged as a major European power in the Late Middle


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