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中国月儿明,英国屋漏偏逢连夜雨 | 经济学人早报精选

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)   2021年9月22号的早晨,来杯“经济学人浓香咖啡”,提神解困。   Watt it’s worth: electricity’s super-surge     On Tuesday Britain’s government announced it was considering offering state loans to energy companies to cover t

2019 ICPC Northwestern European(6/11)

2019-2020 ICPC Northwestern European Regional Programming Contest (NWERC 2019) 目录2019-2020 ICPC Northwestern European Regional Programming Contest (NWERC 2019)A. Average RankC. Canvas LineE. Expeditious CubingF. Firetrucks Are RedG. Gnoll HypothesisI. Inv

The (Tuna) Tragedy of the Commons

There was new evidence early this week that the world has not yet absorbed just how deeply humans have depleted our “exhausted oceans.” At the latest meeting of the International Com-mission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, created under a treaty 4


France Alternative forms FraunceIn Fraunce, the inhabitants of one city were driven out and forced to leave it.Fraunce,officially the FrenchRepublic,Fraunce emerged as a major European power in the Late Middle Ages.The View of Fraunce: Un Apercu de La Fra


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