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中国月儿明,英国屋漏偏逢连夜雨 | 经济学人早报精选


文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)




Watt it’s worth: electricity’s super-surge




On Tuesday Britain’s government announced it was considering offering state loans to energy companies to cover the cost of taking on new customers, as several firms are expected to go bust. Last week electricity prices soared to £540 ($741) per megawatt hour, up from £147 a few weeks ago. European and American prices also recently hit record levels. Such highs have damaged businesses operating on thin margins, and will probably drive up inflation.




The price surge is the result of a perfect storm. Disruptions in Russia and Norway have led to shortages of natural gas, which generates about a fifth of Europe’s electricity, making it much more expensive. Buyers in China and Japan have snapped up shipments of liquified natural gas, a possible alternative source. Coal is pricey, too, because of Chinese demand and European carbon permits. And weeks of still air have curtailed wind power. Hence the particularly severe crisis in Britain, which relies on gas and wind energy almost twice as much as the European average and now faces possible food and power shortages.


Watt it’s worth: electricity’s super-surge




watt 瓦特;瓦(电功率单位)


















On Tuesday Britain’s government announced it was considering offering state loans to energy companies to cover the cost of taking on new customers, as several firms are expected to go bust. Last week electricity prices soared to £540 ($741) per megawatt hour, up from £147 a few weeks ago. European and American prices also recently hit record levels. Such highs have damaged businesses operating on thin margins, and will probably drive up inflation.




state loans 国家贷款 

go bust 破产 ;  倒闭 

soared 急升 ;  猛增 ;  升空 ;  升腾 ;  高飞 ;  翱翔 ;  soar的过去分词和过去式 

megawatt hour 兆瓦时,千度;1 兆瓦时  = 1千度 = 1000 千瓦时 = 1000 度电

a few 少许 ;  几个 ;  〔反语〕很多 ;  一点点 

margins 页边空白 ;  白边 ;  幅度,差额,差数 ;  余地 ;  备用的时间 ; margin的复数 

drive up 驱车来到 

inflation 通货膨胀 ;  通胀率 ;  充气


The price surge is the result of a perfect storm. Disruptions in Russia and Norway have led to shortages of natural gas, which generates about a fifth of Europe’s electricity, making it much more expensive. Buyers in China and Japan have snapped up shipments of liquified natural gas, a possible alternative source. Coal is pricey, too, because of Chinese demand and European carbon permits. And weeks of still air have curtailed wind power. Hence the particularly severe crisis in Britain, which relies on gas and wind energy almost twice as much as the European average and now faces possible food and power shortages.




perfect storm 祸不单行 ;  屋漏偏逢连夜雨 

natural gas 天然气 

much more 更 ;  何况 

snap up 抢购

wind power 风力


今天的经济学人全英文早报请看 ->> “The Economist Espresso 20210922” 。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jianzhanbiji/p/15343695.html