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一个分子可以有多个low-engergy shape,但是在当时学者们只能判断一个分子能否制成药物,而不能判断到底是分子的哪个low-energy shape在起作用。假如我们用常见的分类算法,把所有能制药的分子的low-energy shape当作正例,反之当作负例。那么我们的训练结果会非常不准确,因为我们有太多的

"蔚来杯"2022牛客暑期多校训练营4 N-Particle Arts

问题描述 In a confined NIO space, there are nnn NIO particles, the iii-th of which has aia_iai​ joule energy. The NIO particles are very special as they keep colliding with each other randomly. When one particle carrying energy aaa joule collides with anothe

(SGP 2006)Quadratic Bending Model

A Quadratic Bending Model for Inextensible Surfaces(SGP 2006) 预备知识: Laplace-Beltrami operator: 在微分几何中,拉普拉斯算子可以推广为定义在曲面,或更一般地黎曼流形与伪流形上,函数的算子。这个更一般的算子叫做Laplace-Beltrami operator 1. Introduction ​ Our contribu


A bus (contracted from omnibus, with variants multibus, motorbus, autobus, etc.) is a road vehicle designed to carry many passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type is the single-deck rigid bus, with larger loads


A brake is a mechanical device that inhibits motion by absorbing energy from a moving system. It is used for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, wheel, axle, or to prevent its motion, most often accomplished by means of friction. 制动器是一种通过吸收运动系


数据库迁移   备份 BACKUP DATABASE Energy TO DISK = 'c:\databak\data.bak'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'c:\databak\data.bak'   还原数据库RESTORE DATABASE pro_dataFROM DISK ='c:\databak\data.bak' WITH MOVE 'Energy' TO &#


学交大二下期末是考两篇作文,一个40分一个60分 下面是考试会考的几个作文的范围的一些例文,可以背背格式,内容要改一改(只是21年的范围,之后改没改就不一定了) 期末复习课件,自取 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MyvIRC2rBRsQHGNjg8RpPg  提取码:ysx3  cover letter/personal stateme


在导入依赖的地方(注意:需要打括号将导入的依赖包住) implementation ('com.cqupt:transformer-energy-core-api:1.6.9'){ exclude group:'org.springframework.boot',module:'spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb' }


Application of Acrel ADF400L Multi Circuits Energy Meter in Vietnam  安科瑞 王冲 摘要:本文介绍了ADF400多回路电能表在越南的应用。ADF400L系列多回路电能表,通过组合模块的方式可以实现不超过36路单相或12路三相、CT连接或直接连接。本系列电能表具有高精度、高集中度、集


最近读了三篇1990-1995年的通过调度来降低cpu能耗的文章[1] [2] [3],简单总结一下该年代单核CPU功耗感知的调度策略。 Motivation 随着便携式设备逐渐兴起,人们对降低其功耗的研究开始出现,而在这之前,人们对计算机功耗的研究主要集中在显示和磁盘上,有研究表明,计算机系统中显示占总功


absorb 物理的absorb比较直观。被书本/知识absorb也好理解。涉及到money/time时有点抽象,但汉语也有“吸金”的说法,consume, use up。可以吸收击打, cushion the blow,也可以吸收比喻的冲击,endure/accommodate. 如: The industry absorbed a doubling of tax. 最后还有吸收进组织。


Time Domain Solver Problem Handling Maximum number of pulse widths simulated, solver stopped. /Maximum simulation time reached, solver stopped. Please note that the steady state criterion [energy / port signal / custom] could not have been satisfied. /Max


如果element表格功能不能实现需求,那就自己整一个把 0.需求 表格参数获取是乱序的,没法装成一个对象塞进去,我就想到自己画一个表格。 那么,欢迎卡密二代GRID大佬登场!!! 卡密Grid 1.思路 表格就是一个个单元格构成的聚集体,和grid的分割线分割后组成的空间差别不大。grid间距调到极小,(我

Matlab对图像进行裁剪。seam carving

近期学习数字图像处理,当对图像进行缩小时,如何保存图像的内容?这就用到了有名的seam carving算法。 下面是代码。 %基本思路: %读出的是一个矩阵,先计算能量图,删除最小的缝隙, %重新计算能量图,继续删除,直到我们的图像和我们想要得到的图像大小一致即可。 %偏F比偏x=F[x+1,y]-F[x,y


社科院中外合作办学硕士|社科院美国杜兰大学能源硕士MME申请流程 经教育部批准,2018年起中国社会科学院研究生院与美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)合作举办“能源管理硕士” (Tulane-GSCASS Master of Management in Energy,简称MME)项目,每期招生30人,学生在职学习,学制为18个月。学生

「ABC221」A - Seismic magnitude scales 题解

A - Seismic magnitude scales Time Limit: \(2\; sec\) / Memory Limit: \(1024\; MB\) Score : \(100\; points\) Problem Statement|题目描述 The magnitude of an earthquake is a logarithmic scale of the energy released by the earthquake. It is known that


"""天天向上的能量""" N = eval(input())energy_1 = pow(1+N/1000,365)energy_2 = pow(1-N/1000,365)p = int(energy_1/energy_2)print("{:.2f},{:.2f},{:}".format(energy_1,energy_2,p))        学号:2020310143012 昵称:苒若

daily pattern AD

Thinkings: Anomalous patterns may represent anomalous events. what does an anomalous pattern mean in energy consumption?W measurement/manual operation errors, instrument failure, XX human activities. 比如窃电行为,偷入住行为。 what is the necessity of extract


It has recently been discovered how to run open-source software on the Y-Crate gaming device. A number of enterprising designers have developed Advent-style games for deployment on the Y-Crate. Your job is to test a number of these designs to see which ar

Helena宣布与Energy Vault建立战略合作关系

Helena还向Energy Vault投资2,000万美元,以进一步拓展该公司的储能平台和突破性修复技术的循环经济价值主张 洛杉矶和瑞士卢加诺--(美国商业资讯)--全球问题解决组织Helena和可再生能源储存产品提供商Energy Vault今天宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系。在Energy Vault开始在全球部署创

HDU-5727 Necklace

HDU-5727 Problem Description: SJX has 2*N magic gems. N of them have Yin energy inside while others have Yang energy. SJX wants to make a necklace with these magic gems for his beloved BHB. To avoid making the necklace too Yin or too Yang, he must place

linux 优雅关闭springboot然后自动启动最新jar包的脚本命令

reload-jar.sh #!/bin/bash cd /data/energy/jar/ echo "change dir success" sleep 2s curl -X POST "" printf "\nstop success" sleep 2s echo "start jar" FILENAME=`ls /data

Loop Energy为中国南京市公交车队提供燃料电池,创下超过7.5万公里的运营里程记录

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(美国商业资讯)--在公司的投资者日(Investor Day)来临之际,氢燃料电池解决方案开发商和制造商Loop Energy (TSX: LPEN)宣布,中国南京开沃新能源汽车集团(Skywell New Energy Vehicles Group,简称“开沃”)的试点公交车队全面投入运营已有45天,在役车辆累计行


  2016年《财富》美国500强排行榜   《财富》 2016年06月06日   在今年的榜单上,沃尔玛连续四年蝉联榜首,苹果公司首次跻身三甲,并且盈利在所有公司中位居第一。Facebook上升至157位。 财富中文网(www.FORTUNEChina.com)于北京时间6月6日晚与英文网全球同步发布2016年《

NWERC2020 A - Atomic Energy (背包 + 思维)

题意: 给你\(n\)个神经元,从\(1 - n\)编号,我们可以认为编号为\(i\)的神经元的体积为\(i\),带有\(a_i\)的能量。 然后一共有\(q\)个询问,每个询问带有一个\(k\),你需要回答,当一个体积为\(k\)的神经元分裂是会释放多少能量,能量释放按照以下规则: 一个体积为\(k\)的神经元,每次可以分解为两