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The Love of a King -- 10 The Wedding

10 The Wedding      The next morning Edward telephoned Wallis from Boulogne. 'Did you listen to me on the radio?' he asked. 'Yes, of course,' she said. 'And how did you feel?' 'I was sitting in my room alone,' Walli


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第48期答案汇总   I developed postpartum depression after giving birth to my first son.Actually, I started feeling bad before I even had my son. It started with severe anxiety about doctors' appointments. The night I arrived


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报七年级第29期答案汇总   Cala didn’t like us. Any of us. We didn’t do anything to offend her and she didn’t know us but that didn’t matter; she still didn’t like us. As new teachers in the Emirati school, we Westerners greeted

1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn‘t tolerate

kubernetes增加污点,达到pod是否能在做节点运行 master node参与工作负载 (只在主节点执行) 使用kubeadm初始化的集群,出于安全考虑Pod不会被调度到Master Node上,也就是说Master Node不参与工作负载。 这里搭建的是测试环境可以使用下面的命令使Master Node参与工作负载: k8s是m

Unit1 Talking about music you like

General English:7 Music Unit1 Talking about music you like Vocabulary classical,hip-hop,techno,rock,pop,jazz,punk,country,folk Felton:You know,lan says I know nothing about music but,you know,I tend to disagree, because I listen to almost any style of m


前言 最近在使用华为云的BCS服务由于,使用的是华为链服务,由于还是beta版本未免功能不完善,虽然自带了集群自带部署功能,但遇到些问题还是蛮折腾人的。 问题及解决 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 1 node(s) didn't satisfy e

OS L4-6: Thread Scheduling

                   Yield() didn't happen, because we are on Zeus! (multi core system)      


1、我明天还得赶飞机,6点就得起来,我得走了,如果你有什么需要,给tom打电话就行 I need to catch the airplane,I have to get up at 6 O’clock,I need to go,If you had some requirements,you could call Tom 2、你什么都不用说了,我已经告诉过你了,关于这件事我什么都不知道,你还是去

CentOS7 root 用户正确密码提示:“sorry,that didn't work.please try again”

问题描述:CentOS 7.9版本 root用户密码输入正确,出现错误密码提示:“sorry,that didn't work.please try again”   解决方案 一,创建普通用户,以前通用户登录  打开终端:输入命令 sudo passwd root 然后输入旧密码,新密码,再确认新密码(输入密码没有任何显示不用管)   二,重新以root

Didn‘t find class “android.telephony.TelephonyManager$CellInfoCallback“ on path:

App 运行时遇到电话管理类的错误 。 目前来看,是手机没有放电话? 待分析 。 2021-02-02 09:51:53.597 7248-7439/com.gtk.darwin I/com.gtk.darwin: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.amap.api.col.tl.fv$a>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

The current path, page/, didn't match any of these

最近在学习python,按照网上的步骤进行操作 url.py的代码       但是一直报如下的错。 Page not found (404) Request Method: GET Request URL: Using the URLconf defined in HelloWorld.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in t

关于报错Didn't find class "androidx.constraintlayout.ConstraintLayout" on path: DexPathLi

最近做项目遇到一个问题报错,记录一下  Error inflating class androidx.constraintlayout.ConstraintLayout 。。。  Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "androidx.constraintlayout.ConstraintLayout" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "-E-he

django框架The view account.views.register didn't return an HttpResponse object.错误的解决办法

      对提交方法不是POST的方法没有添加分支进行判断   1、 注意# 判断post/get   分支判断提交方法

android ADB server didn't ACK

运行android程序时,报错: [2013-11-26 14:21:36 - adb] ADB server didn't ACK[2013-11-26 14:21:36 - adb] * failed to start daemon * 原因:任务管理器里有个 tadb.exe进程,百度了下,发现是腾讯的连接手机的软件...流氓,我都没装或者装了后又卸掉了, 在任务管理器里将其 kill 掉就


问题: node节点挂了一个, 无法切换到另一个node上 解决: 1、指定了 nodeslector 2、设置了下面: hostNetwork: true dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet 关掉就可以,一般不用这个 报错: 一直处于pending状态 Warning FailedScheduling 19s (x238 over 20m) de