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进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第48期答案汇总


I developed postpartum depression after giving birth to my first son.Actually, I started feeling bad before I even had my son. It started with severe anxiety about doctors' appointments.

The night I arrived home after giving birth, I had my first panic attack. I doubted I was having a slight heart attack. The next day, a public health nurse visited our home to see if everything was fine with me- whether I had a heart attack or suffered anything else or I was just all alright. She reassured me that I didn't have a heart problem, and informed me that it was likely a panic attack. The nurse visit was part of a program that provided support for new moms. Sadly, it didn't include any information on PPD.

By my six-week postpartum checkup, I knew something was wrong. I was having difficulty falling asleep and I felt like I was slowly going crazy. Panic attacks were more frequent. I talked with my obstetrician (产科医师),but unfortunately, she was not trained to recognize or cure PPD. Now I didn't know whom to turn to for help.

I told my situation to my mom and my husband but they didn't understand what I was really experiencing. They figured that being a new parent was tough for anyone, so feeling a little down after giving birth- “baby blues" was just normal and not necessarily a sign of depression. But my cousin, also a new mom, knew me well, and she could see that something was wrong.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokaos/p/15961912.html