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【论文考古】联邦学习开山之作 Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data

B. McMahan, E. Moore, D. Ramage, S. Hampson, and B. A. y Arcas, “Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data,” in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Apr. 2017, pp. 1273

How to grow decentralized communities

https://medium.com/1kxnetwork/how-to-grow-decentralized-communities-1bf1044924f8 Decentralized organizations enable work to be distributed to the community members instead of being entirely driven by top-down decision making hierarchies. While tokens f

A Beginner’s Guide to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

https://beincrypto.com/learn/decentralized-autonomous-organization/ Both in academic and casual discourse, one of the most common topics that come up is the legitimacy of governance. Which form is the most optimal? Is liberal democracy a tyranny of the mi


https://www.valuewalk.com/decentralized-order-book-exchanges-rising/ Technology is transforming the world with lightning speed. Over the years, our institutions have changed for the better, and more importantly, our perception and approach towards finance

最新论文笔记(+10):Enabling Reliable Keyword Search in Encrypted Decentralized Storage with Fairness/TDSC18

Enabling Reliable Keyword Search in Encrypted Decentralized Storage with Fairness (以公平方式在加密去中心化存储中实现可靠的关键字搜索) 在本篇论文中,作者利用智能合约在区块链上记录加密搜索的日志,并设计了一个公平的协议来处理争议和发放公平的付款,以动态高效的可


https://docs.filecoin.io/ Filecoin (⨎) is an open-source, public cryptocurrency and digital payment system intended to be a blockchain-based cooperative digital storage and data retrieval method.[1][2][3][4] It is made by Protocol Labs and builds on to

Top 5 decentralized platforms

https://labs.sogeti.com/decentralized-platforms-explained/ Introduction to Web 3.0 Application Development Public Cloud and Beyond Today, the go-to platform for application development is cloud, thanks to the ubiquitous nature of the public cloud, easy ac

Top 5 decentralized platforms

https://www.techrepublic.com/article/top-5-decentralized-platforms/ Decentralized platforms are aiming to solve the issue of data ownership. Tom Merritt lists five platforms you should know about.     There's a privacy conundrum out there-

Decentralized Storage and Publication with IPFS and Swarm

https://www.sitepoint.com/ipfs-swarm-decentralized-content-publication-storage/ In this article, we outline two of the most prominent solutions for decentralized content publication and storage. These two solutions are IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) a

Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data论文阅读笔记

摘要 现代移动设备可以接触到大量可供模型学习的数据,这反过来也可以大大增强设备用户体验。例如,语言模型可以实现语音识别和文本输入,图像模型可以帮助自动挑选优良的照片。然而,这些数据往往隐私敏感且数量庞大,所以,把数据记录到数据中心并并行训练的方法不可行。 我们对此作了

去中心化身份(Decentralized ID, DID)介绍

文章目录 去中心化身份(Decentralized ID, DID)介绍1. 背景与现状1.1 关于去中心化身份(Decentralized ID, DID)1.2 Decentralized IDentity(DID)现状 2 W3C DID 标准2.1 DID 规范2.2 可验证声明 3 uPort项目3.1 uPort App3.2 uPort是如何运转的3.4 DApp如何使用uPort 去中心

CER.LIVE Report: Top 25 Decentralized Exchanges by Cybersecurity Score

https://blog.coinmarketcap.com/2020/11/10/cer-live-report-top-25-decentralized-exchanges-by-cybersecurity-score/ Report Highlights 1. Only 2 crypto exchanges out of 25 gained “high” scores of 8 out of 10 points or higher — Uniswap and Synthetix. 2. 14 D

区块链三大误区 —— 《区块链技术指南》

目录 误区一 误区二 误区三   误区一:区块链是一种颠覆性(Disruptive)的新技术 首先,区块链不是一项新技术,而是一个新的技术组合。其关键技术,包括P2P动态组网、基于密码学的共享账本、共识机制(拜占庭将军问题,即一种分布式场景下的一致性问题)、智能合约等技术,都是已经有十年以

Hop: Heterogeneity-aware Decentralized Training

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! 以下是对本文关键部分的摘抄翻译,详情请参见原文。 ASPLOS 2019   Abstract