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功能游戏概念     功能游戏是指,以解决现实社会和行业问题为主要目的,同时具有跨界性、多元性和场景化三大特征,并在学习知识、激发创意、拓展教学、模拟管理、训练技能、调整行为、养成良好品质等方面具有明显作用的游戏品类。它在传统游戏重视娱乐性的基础上,更加强调游戏的功能

C++ 第10.11课史蒂夫雕像

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "minecraft.h" using namespace std; TxMinecraft mc; int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool con = mc.ConnectMinecraft("tk.makeblock.net.cn","4cd7d6e558c943c397a3a5243fa78e1


con·ve·ni·ent | conference, convention early 15c., convencioun, "a formal agreement, covenant, treaty," also "a formal meeting or convention" (of rulers, etc.), also "a private or secret agreement," from Old French convencion


tribe [tribus 'group within the Roman people'] 部落、族 tribune: an official in ancient Rome who was elected by the ordinary people to protect their rights tribunal ['platform for judges', from tribunus] 审理团; 特别法庭 tribute [tribuere 't


import redis# 链接redis host,port,db# 建立链接con = redis.StrictRedis( host='', port=6379, db=4, # 默认使用的是0号 decode_responses=True)# string类型# con.set('name','chuan')# name = con.get('name')# print(nam


temporary [from tempus 'time'] 随时间而变——暂时的 ≠permanent contemporary [from com- + tempus 'time'] 和……时间一样。和目前时间一样——当代的 =modern tempo [from tempus] 拍子; 速度 temporal [from tempus] related to or limited by time =secular ≠spiritual


contaminate [from contamen 'contact'] →contaminant, contamination, pollute pollutant, pollution Is There A Difference Between Pollution And Contamination? Pollution primarily deals with waste materials that harm the air, soil, water, and space.


constitute [from com- + statuere 'to set up'] destitute [destituere 'to set down, leave'] having no money, no food, no home, nothing /'nʌθɪŋ/ institute [Origin: instituere, from statuere 'to set up'] 可做动词:introduce or st

html+css+js 实现简单的网页版别踩白块

1.html界面 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content=&qu


congratulate [过去分词 of congratulari 'to wish happiness', from com- + gratus 'pleasing'] grateful ['pleasing, thankful', from gratus] 感激的; 感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的; 使人感到舒服的 ungrateful ingrate [from ingratus, from gratus 'grateful&


说实话,我是一个到了退役也没有搞明白C++的istream和ostream的。 刚开始的时候我把<iostream>直接拆解成ios和tream 真,果粉暴露 退役之后划水,倒是从java当中发现了Stream的奥秘。 说点题外话,很多人喜欢评价一个语言难不难。 其实这种说法本身就非常的外行。 语言似乎没有什么难不


concentrate [Origin: con- + Latin centrum 'center'] concentric [Origin: concentricus, from Latin com- + centrum 'center'] (圆)有同一中心的 condense [Origin: condenser, from Latin, from com- + densare 'to make dense'] con- 和 com-都有to


非自创,转载自大神易大胆888 private float X; private float Y; private void setTag(Control cons) { foreach (Control con in cons.Controls) { con.Tag = con.Width +":" + con.Height + ":" + con.Left + &q


spring框架的事务其实也是基于jdbc的事务,而一般的jdbc事务代码如下形式 try{ connection.setAutoCommit(false);//turn off autocommit transaction ...数据操作 connection.commit();//commit transaction by self }


转自: http://www.java265.com/JavaCourse/202205/3573.html 下文笔者将通过示例的方式讲述数据库的基本操作,如下所示 首先需下载jdbc数据库驱动,并引入相应的jar包 例:jdbc操作数据库 package com.java265; import java.sql.*; public class con_test { public static vo


图形界面    数据    查询效果    代码 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { G++; DrowFont(this.comboBox1.Text.ToString()); DrowInfo(this.comboBox1.Text.ToString()); DrowPic


直接上代码 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.ComponentModel; 4 using System.Data; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Linq; 7 using System.Text; 8 using System.Threading.Tasks; 9 using System.Windows.Forms; 10 11


jdbc访问数据库步骤   1、Class.forName()加载驱动   2、DriverManager获取Connection连接   3、创建Statement执行SQL语句   4、返回ResultSet查询结果   5、释放资源 public class DBUtils { public static Connection getCon() { Connection con = null


最近面试的时候,竟然有面试官提出这样的要求:请用Java实现一个HTTP请求!当然不能怂! 雄起!!! 今天将介绍一种在 Java 中执行 HTTP 请求的方法 -- 通过使用 Java 内置的 HttpUrlConnection 类实现。 从 JDK 11 开始,Java 为执行 HTTP 请求提供了一个新的 API,它是用来替代 HttpUrlConne


Dim a As String, n As Integer, wbs As Workbook ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells.Clear a = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\*.xls") 'Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" &


不打开Excel文件提取数据?   Dim a As String, n As Integer, wbs As Workbook ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells.Clear a = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\*.xlsx") 'Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New


转自: http://www.java265.com/JavaCourse/202205/3573.html 下文笔者将通过示例的方式讲述数据库的基本操作,如下所示 首先需下载jdbc数据库驱动,并引入相应的jar包也可以从maven仓库中下载jdbc驱动 例:jdbc操作数据库 package com.java265; import java.sql.*; public class co

【Django杂记】django 综合查询Q()高级用法

传Q对象,构造搜索条件首先还是需要导入模块 from django.db.models import Q # 传入条件进行查询: q1 = Q() q1.connector = 'OR' q1.children.append(('id', 1)) q1.children.append(('id', 2)) q1.children.append(('id', 3)) # 模型类.objects.查询条件(q1) Tb1.obj


1 package mt; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class BaseDao { public Connection getConnection() { Connection co

MySQL(12) - Python+MySQL读取写入图片

数据库读取图片 1 import mysql.connector.pooling 2 import os 3 4 __config = { 5 'host': 'localhost', 6 'port': 3306, 7 'user': 'root', 8 'password': '123456', 9 &