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Codewars note: Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'

>> False >> 'No' >>True >> 'Yes' Solutions: 1 def bool_to_word(boolean): return "Yes" if boolean else "No" 2 def bool_to_word(boolean): return ['No', 'Yes'][boo

Codewars note: 奇偶判定

判断 奇数 偶数: Solution:  1 def even_or_odd(number): return 'Even' if number % 2 == 0 else 'Odd'   2 def even_or_odd(number): return ['Even', 'Odd'][number % 2]  

Codewars note: Twice as old

描述: 你的函数有两个参数: 当前父亲的年龄(岁) 儿子现在的年龄(岁) 计算多少年前父亲的年龄是儿子的两倍(或多少年后他将是儿子的两倍)。   Solution: def twice_as_old(f, s): return abs(f - s * 2) :abs(x) 取数值绝对值

Codewars note:Printer Error

Exercise: In a factory a printer prints labels for boxes. For one kind of boxes the printer has to use colors which, for the sake of simplicity, are named with letters from a to m.  The colors used by the printer are recorded in a control string. For exa

Codewars note: 单词首字母大写

Exercise: 单词首字母大写(刷题遇到title()失效) solution: def case(string): return ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in string.split()) #先用split()函数 切片 字符串 #再capitalize()函数 首字母大写(其他字母不改变) #join()函数,把列表的 元素串联成字符串

Codewars note:Can we divide it ?

 exercise: Your task is to create the functionisDivideBy (or is_divide_by) to check if an integer number is divisible by both integers a and b. A few cases: (-12, 2, -6) -> true (-12, 2, -5) -> false (45, 1, 6) -> false (45, 5, 15) -&g

Codewars note :Count by X

Exercise:   Solution: def count_by(x, n): return list(range(x, x * n +1, x))  


You are the "computer expert" of a local Athletic Association (C.A.A.). Many teams of runners come to compete. Each time you get a string of all race results of every team who has run. For example here is a string showing the individual results


题目:一个字符串由字母(大小写都可能有)、和数字组成。写一个程序,统计出现不止一次的字符个数(大小写算一个字符)。如“AaBB121cc”返回4因为Aa出现2次,BB两2,1两次,cc两次。 涉及知识点:字符大小写转换;字符串的遍历;map元素是否存在的判断;map的遍历 我的解答: function duplicateCount(tex

编程游戏codewars(Sum of odd numbers-----Java)

Sum of odd numbers Given the triangle of consecutive odd numbers: 给定连续奇数的三角形: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 ... Calculate the sum of the numbers in the nth row of this t


如果我们列出所有小于10的自然数中,3或5的倍数,我们可以得到3 5 6 9。这几个数的和为23。 #给一个数,返回所有小于它的自然数,3和5的倍数之和。如果其中有负数,则返回0。 #样例:solution(4), 3 ,solution(6), 8。 1 def solution(number): 2 sum = 0 3 if number<0: 4

Codewars. Insane Coloured Triangles(计数)

题目链接 加强版:Ludicrous Coloured Triangles 虽然题不难但难得做一个来水一下 有dalao知道加强版怎么过嘛 \(Description\) 给定长为\(n\)的RGB序列,每次变换,序列中所有相邻的两个字符会产生一个字符(即每次总长度减1)。求\(n-1\)次变换后剩下的那个字符是多少。 字符产生规则:相同


点此欢迎光临我的个人网站【一几文星球】 最近发现了一个很多网友都在推荐的编程刷题平台Codewars,作为一个对啥都好奇(啥都学不深 )的编程菜鸟,我二话不说直接开始注册体验。 网站一进,嘿,全英文,看不懂,怎么办?不急,祭出各在线翻译工具,大致意思明白了就行。 刚注册完,界面就提示选编程语


文章目录 codewars-js练习2021/4/9github 地址【1】<7kyu>【Slaphead】【2】<6kyu>【Handshake problem】 codewars-js练习 2021/4/9 github 地址 my github地址,上面有做的习题记录,不断更新… 【1】<7kyu>【Slaphead】 剃干净的头发用“-”表示,散乱的头发用“/”表示

codewars —6 kyu —Are they the “same“?

Given two arrays a and b write a function comp(a, b) (orcompSame(a, b)) that checks whether the two arrays have the “same” elements, with the same multiplicities. “Same” means, here, that the elements in b are the elements in a squared, regardless of


文章目录 codewars-js练习2021/2/21github 地址【1】<6kyu>【Prize Draw】 codewars-js练习 2021/2/21 github 地址 my github地址,上面有做的习题记录,不断更新… 【1】<6kyu>【Prize Draw】 Each letter of a firstname has a value which is its rank in the English


文章目录 codewars-js练习2021/1/30github 地址【1】<8kyu>【Check the exam】【2】<7kyu>【Love vs friendship】【3】<7kyu>【Remove anchor from URL】 codewars-js练习 2021/1/30 github 地址 my github地址,上面有做的习题记录,不断更新… 【1】<8kyu>【Check the


文章目录 codewars-js练习2021/1/21【1】<8kyu>【N-th Power】【2】<8kyu>【Aspect Ratio Cropping - Part 1】【3】<8kyu>【Grasshopper - Basic Function Fixer】【4】<8kyu>【Convert a Boolean to a String】 codewars-js练习 2021/1/21 【1】<8kyu>【N-th Power

codewars Kata——Moving Zeros To The End问题

大体思路和代码 刚开始读题的时候很快就有了思路:每一轮用list的index方法找到第一个为0的元素的索引,然后将该元素弹出(pop),在将其添加(append)在列表末尾。于是我很快写出了代码并进行test,但是发现出现了2个结果报错。 我一看,嗷,原来是佐田……咳咳,原来是这两个test案例中提供


1、capitalize() 与 title() 区别   capitalize(): 字符串第一个字母大写   title(): 字符串内的所有单词的首字母大写   a="i say hello to you"   print(a.title())  # 'I Say Hello To You'   print(a.capitalize())  # 'I say hello to you'

codewars:Split Strings

codewars:Split Strings Instructions Complete the solution so that it splits the string into pairs of two characters. If the string contains an odd number of characters then it should replace the missing second character of the final pair with an undersc

【CodeWars】刷题之The Poet And The Pendulum

介个题目有点长,大致意思是 1.给定了一个数组 2.要求将数组中最小的元素放在中间位置,第二小的元素放在它的右边,第三小的 元素放在最小元素的左边,以此类推。 def pendulum(values): for i in range(len(values)): for j in range(i+1,len(values)):

Codewars:Duplicate Encoder

要求: The goal of this exercise is to convert a string to a new string where each character in the new string is “(” if that character appears only once in the original string, or “)” if that character appears more than once in the original string.


1 Title Case Task A string is considered to be in title case if each word in the string is either (a) capitalised (that is, only the first letter of the word is in upper case) or (b) considered to be an exception and put entirely into lower case unless


说明:以下内容均来自codewars网站,列举的试题我都做过且通过,并以此记录来学习python。   1,需求:将大小写互相转换,非字母的字符保留 我的代码: 1 def to_alternating_case(string): 2 #your code here 3 result = '' 4 for i in range(len(string)): 5 if strin