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You are the "computer expert" of a local Athletic Association (C.A.A.). Many teams of runners come to compete. Each time you get a string of all race results of every team who has run. For example here is a string showing the individual results of a team of 5 runners:

"01|15|59, 1|47|6, 01|17|20, 1|32|34, 2|3|17"

Each part of the string is of the form: h|m|s where h, m, s (h for hour, m for minutes, s for seconds) are positive or null integer (represented as strings) with one or two digits. Substrings in the input string are separated by or ,.

To compare the results of the teams you are asked for giving three statistics; range, average and median.

Your task is to return a string giving these 3 values. For the example given above, the string result will be

"Range: 00|47|18 Average: 01|35|15 Median: 01|32|34"

of the form: "Range: hh|mm|ss Average: hh|mm|ss Median: hh|mm|ss"`

where hh, mm, ss are integers (represented by strings) with each 2 digits.


  1. if a result in seconds is ab.xy... it will be given truncated as ab.
  2. if the given string is "" you will return "
stat () {
    num=`echo $1 | awk -F "," '{print NF}'` 
    ch_time () {
    let a=$1%60
    let b=$1/60%60
    let c=$1/3600
    ss=`printf "%02d\n" $a`
    mm=`printf "%02d\n" $b`
    hh=`printf "%02d\n" $c`
    echo "$hh|$mm|$ss"
    for time in `echo $1 | sed s/,//g`
      hh=`echo $time | awk -F'|' '{print$1}'`
      mm=`echo $time | awk -F'|' '{print$2}'`
      ss=`echo $time | awk -F'|' '{print$3}'`
      let time_list[i]=hh*3600+mm*60+ss
      let sum=sum+time_list[i]
      let i++

    new_time_list=(`echo ${time_list[*]}| tr ' ' '\n'|sort -n`)
    let range=new_time_list[-1]-new_time_list[0]
    let average=sum/num
    let rem=num%2
    if [ $rem -eq 0 ];then
      let mid=$num/2+1
      let mid_2=$num/2
      let median=(${new_time_list[mid]}+${new_time_list[mid_2]})/2
      let mid=$num/2
      let median=${new_time_list[mid]}

    Range=`ch_time $range`
    Average=`ch_time $average`
    Median=`ch_time $median`
    echo "Range: $Range Average: $Average Median: $Median"   
stat "$1"



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangxiaokui/p/16389818.html