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Add spacing between Chinese and English characters

To make the typesetting of mixed Chinese and English characters more elegant and legible, it is necessary to add an additional spacing between them as a convention. When I’m editing Emacs Org or LaTeX files, I will manually add a white space to achieve th

Add spacing between Chinese and English characters

To make the typesetting of mixed Chinese and English characters more elegant and legible, it is necessary to add an additional spacing between them as a convention. When I’m editing Emacs Org or LaTeX files, I will manually add a white space to achieve th


一、不BB,直接解密 就是这么一行css: font-variant-east-asian: traditional; 表示当前文字使用繁体变体。 再加粗显示一下: font-variant-east-asian: traditional; 例如: body { font-variant-east-asian: traditional; } 就可以让整个页面的简体中文变成繁体。   二、需要字体


        首先来看看浅拷贝和深拷贝的定义:       浅拷贝:使用一个已知实例对新创建实例的成员变量逐个赋值,这个方式被称为浅拷贝。       深拷贝:当一个类的拷贝构造方法,不仅要复制对象的所有非引用成员变量值,还要为引用类型的成员变量创建新的实例,并且初始化为形

使用itext asian 解决中文不显示的问题

本人使用的itextpdf版本是5.4.3<dependency> <groupId>com.itextpdf</groupId> <artifactId>itextpdf</artifactId> <version>5.4.3</version></dependency>在使用中文字体的时候,BaseFont bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont("STSong