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背景:因业务需要,最近计划要将一台windows服务器需要加入到AD域环境,因此得提前申请到AD服务器的端口防火墙 于是向AD管理员咨询需要申请那些端口的防火墙,收到回复后,记录于此 Src Server -- > AD firewall port 123 UDP 135 TCP 464 TCP/UDP 49152-65535/TCP 389 TCP/UDP 636 TCP 3

leetcode 每日一题 464. 我能赢吗

leetcode 每日一题 464. 我能赢吗 class Solution { Map<Integer, Boolean> memo = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>(); public boolean canIWin(int maxChoosableInteger, int desiredTotal) { if ((1 + maxChoosableInteger) * (maxChoosableInte

Leetcode: 464. Can I Win

Description In the "100 game" two players take turns adding, to a running total, any integer from 1 to 10. The player who first causes the running total to reach or exceed 100 wins. What if we change the game so that players cannot re-use integ


♣          题目         部分 动态SQL是什么?     ♣          答案部分          在PL/SQL开发过程中,使用SQL或PL/SQL可以实现大部分的需求,但是,在某些特殊的情况下,在PL/SQL中使用标准的SQL语句或DML语句不能实现自己的需求,例如需要动态建表或执行

【464】文本转字符向量bag of words

利用 sklearn.feature_extraction.text 中的 CountVectorizer 来实现 首先获取所有的文本信息 然后将文本信息转化为从 0 开始的数字 获取转换后的字符向量 参见如下代码: >>> text_01 = "My name is Alex Lee." >>> text_02 = "I like singing and playing basketball." >>>

464. 我能赢吗

1 class Solution 2 { 3 public: 4 bool canIWin(int M, int T) 5 { 6 if (M*(M+1)/2 < T) return false; 7 if (T <= M) return true; 8 m_ = vector<int>(1 << M, 0);//每一个数可能选,也可能不选,即有2**M种 9 return canIWin(M


在 “100 game” 这个游戏中,两名玩家轮流选择从 1 到 10 的任意整数,累计整数和,先使得累计整数和达到 100 的玩家,即为胜者。 如果我们将游戏规则改为 “玩家不能重复使用整数” 呢? 例如,两个玩家可以轮流从公共整数池中抽取从 1 到 15 的整数(不放回),直到累计整数和 >= 100。 给

Codeforces Round #464 (Div. 2) E. Maximize!

You are given a multiset S consisting of positive integers (initially empty). There are two kind of queries: 1.Add a positive integer to S, the newly added integer is not less than any number in it. 2.Find a subset s of the set S such that the value max

464. 我能赢吗

class Solution { map<int, bool>m; public: bool win(int max, int target, int visited) { if (m.find(visited) != m.end()) return m[visited]; for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) { int flag = (1 << i); if ((visited & flag) == 0

leetcode 464. Can I Win

464. Can I Win https://www.cnblogs.com/grandyang/p/6103525.html 用递归的方式进行搜索,用hash表减少搜索的次数。因为数字不超过20,所以可以用一个int的位来表示是否访问过。 注意: (cur & used) == 0这个地方必须加括号,不然就报错了。 class Solution {public: bool canIWin(

464. Can I Win

In the "100 game," two players take turns adding, to a running total, any integer from 1..10. The player who first causes the running total to reach or exceed 100 wins. What if we change the game so that players cannot re-use integers? For examp