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Baby-step Giant-step and its extension


from wikipedia

In group theory, a branch of mathematics, the baby-step giant-step is a meet-in-the-middle algorithm for computing the discrete logarithm or order of an element in a finite abelian group due to Daniel Shanks. The discrete log problem is of fundamental importance to the area of public key cryptography.

The baby-step giant-step algorithm can solve the problem of finding discrete logorithms in O ( n   ) O(\sqrt{n}\space) O(n ​ )time, significantly faster than the O ( n ) O(n) O(n) time complexity of the naive trial-and-error approach.



The problem we are aiming to solve using BSGS can be properly framed as follow:

Given a cyclic group G \mathbb{G} G of order n \mathbb{n} n, a generator a a a of the group and a group element b b b, we are to find an integer x x x such that a x = b a^x=b ax=b.

In the form of modular arithmetic, this is essentially solving a x ≡ b ( m o d p ) a^x\equiv b\pmod{p} ax≡b(modp), where gcd ⁡ ( a , p ) = 1 \gcd(a,p)=1 gcd(a,p)=1.

We let x = c ⌈ p ⌉ − d x = c\lceil \sqrt p \rceil - d x=c⌈p ​⌉−d ( 0 ≤ c , d ≤ ⌈ p ⌉ 0\le c,d \le \lceil \sqrt p\rceil 0≤c,d≤⌈p ​⌉).

Substitute back to the original equation, we have
a c ⌈ p ⌉ − d ≡ b ( m o d p ) a c ⌈ p ⌉ ≡ b a d ( m o d p ) \begin{aligned} a^{c\lceil \sqrt p\rceil -d} &\equiv b \pmod p\\ a^{c\lceil \sqrt p\rceil} &\equiv ba^d \pmod p \end{aligned} ac⌈p ​⌉−dac⌈p ​⌉​≡b(modp)≡bad(modp)​
Next, we compute all possible ⌈ p ⌉ {\lceil \sqrt p\rceil} ⌈p ​⌉ values of b a d ba^d bad and store them in a hash table. Then, we compute all possible ⌈ p ⌉ {\lceil \sqrt p\rceil} ⌈p ​⌉ values of ( a ⌈ p ⌉ ) c (a^{\lceil \sqrt p\rceil})^c (a⌈p ​⌉)c and find if there is any b a d ba^d bad with equal value in O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1) time, and corresponding value of x x x can thus be found. The overall time complexity is therefore O ( p ) O(\sqrt p) O(p ​).

The idea of BSGS is rather simple, and it is based on a space-time trade-off.

Extension: Finding a discrete root

Next up, we want to find all x x x which satisfies the equation x a ≡ b ( m o d p ) x^a\equiv b\pmod p xa≡b(modp), where p p p is a prime number.

It would require a few steps and some preliminary knowledge about order and primitive root to convert the problem to the typical problem we solve with BSGS.

Primitive Root(Part1)
Primitive Root(Part2)

Suppose prime number p p p has a primitive root g g g, we can solve the equation ( g a ) c ≡ b ( m o d p ) (g^a)^c\equiv b\pmod p (ga)c≡b(modp) for x ≡ g c ( m o d p ) x\equiv g^c\pmod p x≡gc(modp) instead in O ( p ) O(\sqrt p) O(p ​) time using BSGS. We can always find such c c c since the cyclic group generated by g g g, { g , g 2 , ⋯   , g ϵ p ( g ) − 1 , 1 } \lbrace g,g^2,\cdots,g^{\epsilon_p(g)-1},1 \rbrace {g,g2,⋯,gϵp​(g)−1,1} has an order of φ ( p ) = p − 1 \varphi(p)=p-1 φ(p)=p−1 and hence should cover every possible remainder of p p p, unless b = 0 b=0 b=0 which would have made the problem trivial to begin with. Now we have one solution determined which is x 0 = g c x_0=g^c x0​=gc.

To obtain all the solutions, since we have g p − 1 ≡ 1 ( m o d p ) g^{p-1}\equiv1\pmod p gp−1≡1(modp) by Fermat’s Little Theorem, we have g c × ( g p − 1 ) n ≡ b ( m o d p ) g^c\times(g^{p-1})^n\equiv b\pmod p gc×(gp−1)n≡b(modp), and x c + n ( p − 1 ) a = b ( m o d p ) x^{c+\frac{n(p-1)}{a}}=b\pmod p xc+an(p−1)​=b(modp), where a ∣ n ( p − 1 ) a|n(p-1) a∣n(p−1).

To find all such n n n, we factor out g c d ( a , p − 1 ) gcd(a,p-1) gcd(a,p−1),and since gcd ⁡ ( a gcd ⁡ ( a , p − 1 ) , p − 1 gcd ⁡ ( a , p − 1 ) ) = 1 , \gcd(\frac{a}{\gcd(a,p-1)},\frac{p-1}{\gcd(a,p-1)})=1, gcd(gcd(a,p−1)a​,gcd(a,p−1)p−1​)=1, we are left with a gcd ⁡ ( a , p − 1 ) ∣ n \frac{a}{\gcd(a,p-1)}|n gcd(a,p−1)a​∣n. We can thus let n = m × a gcd ⁡ ( a , p − 1 ) n=m\times\frac{a}{\gcd(a,p-1)} n=m×gcd(a,p−1)a​, where m ∈ Z . m\in\mathbb{Z}. m∈Z. Hence, all solutions x x x to the equations are x = g c + m a gcd ⁡ ( a , p − 1 ) x=g^{c+\frac{ma}{\gcd(a,p-1)}} x=gc+gcd(a,p−1)ma​, where m ∈ Z . m\in\mathbb{Z}. m∈Z.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/Layomiiety/article/details/117002544