//help psmatch2//帮助文件
//ssc install psmatch2//安装
insheet using D:\ⅡR+Stata\statawork\mergeelderly.csv
save D:\ⅡR+Stata\statawork\mergeelderly.dta
use D:\ⅡR+Stata\statawork\mergeelderly.dta
** 将数据随机排序
set seed 10101
gen ranorder = runiform()
sort ranorder //(以上两步对所有观测值进行随机排序)
//b. logit use logit instead of the default probit to estimate the propensity score。因此,不使用logit则为probit算法。
psmatch2 ifinternet gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,outcome(self_hly) n(3) cal(0.01) ate ties common
pstest gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class ,both
psmatch2 ifinternet gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,outcome(self_hly) ate n(4) common ties
pstest gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,both
**(3)最近邻匹配n(1) ;一对一匹配(无放回)
psmatch2 ifinternet gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,outcome(self_hly) logit ate n(1) common ties quietly noreplacement
pstest gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,both
psmatch2 ifinternet gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,outcome(self_hly) radius cal(0.01) ate ties logit common quietly
pstest gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,both
psmatch2 ifinternet gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,outcome(self_hly) kernel ate ties logit common quietly
pstest gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,both
psmatch2 ifinternet, outcome(self_hly) mahal(gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class) n(4) ai(4) ate
pstest gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,both
psmatch2 ifinternet gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,outcome(self_hly) llr ate ties logit common quietly
pstest gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class,both
psmatch2 xmt2 gender age hunyin huji a64 edu a15 a17 a35,outcome(a36) spline
pstest gender age hunyin huji a64 edu a15 a17 a35,both graph
set seed 2019
bootstrap r(att) r(atu) r(ate),reps(50):psmatch2 xmt2 gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam v458 a36 class,outcome(a36) llr ate ties logit common quietly
*(2)ivreg2命令(ivreg2命令会直接报告Cragg-Donald Wald F 统计量和Kleibergen-Paap Wald rk F统计量两个用于弱工具变量检验的统计量)
ivreg2 a15 (ifinternet=ifmessage) gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 class east west , first
*(3)【重要】2SLS方法: *第一阶段:从表中可以看出,工具变量xiaoxi的系数为0.4047,标准误为0.008,在1%的水平上显著。
ivregress 2sls self_hly (ifinternet=ifmessage) gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 v458 class east west, first //回归结果与R语言得出的一致。
*F统计量= 2034.96 >10,根据经验准则可以判断,我们的工具变量不是一个弱工具变量。
estat firststage,forcenonrobust
logistic self_hly ifinternet gender age hunyin huji edu lnincome_fam a36 class
标签:logit,a36,gender,huji,稳健性,stata,edu,age,hunyin 来源: