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L6 U5 商务方案


Module 1 描述商务场合

1. 不定式短语

The purpose of this meeting is to ... 这次会议的目的是……
layoffs to save money 裁员来省钱
opportunities to cut expenses 一些削减开支的机会

特殊不定式短语可由名词或名词短语 + be 组成。

名词 + 不定式
This meeting is an opportunity to give you some answers. 这次会议是个能给你答案的机会。
We're not looking at layoffs to save money. 我们并不指望裁员来省钱。

名词短语 + be + 不定式
The purpose of today's meeting is to give you a company update. 今天会议的目的是让你了解公司的最新情况。

2. 基本商务词汇

purchase 购买
market share 市场份额
revenue 收入
region 地区
strength 实力,人力
sales 销售额
overall 总的,总体的
profits 利润
delay 推迟
projects 项目,计划

We need to delay the work. 我们需要推迟工作。
Asia is a very important region for us. 亚洲对于我们来说是个很重要的地区。
Profits are up by 15 percent! 利润上涨了百分之十五!
What company has the biggest market share? 什么公司占有最大的市场份额?
Our revenue increased by 10% last month. 我们的收入上个月增长了百分之十。
The company needs to increase its sales. 公司需要增加销售额。

3. 表达原因与结果

due to 因为,由于
because of 因为,由于
as a result 结果,因此
consequently 结果,因此

使用 due to 和 because of 描述从句。这些表达是从属子句的一部分。注意,当从属子句在独立分句前出现,它们之间要用逗号隔开。

Because of our purchase of Sunset Computers, they have some questions. 由于我们购买了 Sunset Computers 公司,因此他们有一些疑问。
They have some questions because of our purchase of Sunset Computers. 他们有一些疑问,因为我们购买了 Sunset Computers 公司。
Due to the purchase of Sunset Computers, our market share has increased. 由于我们购买了 Sunset Computers 公司,因此我们的市场份额有所增加。
Our market share has increased due to the purchase of Sunset Computers. 我们的市场份额有所增加,因为我们购买了 Sunset Computers 公司。

使用 as a result 和 consequently 描述结果。这些表达在表述原因之后的句子里出现。注意这些表达后接逗号。
Sales in Europe have decreased slightly. As a result, revenue there fell by 8%. 欧洲的销售额稍有下降。因此,那里的收入下降了百分之八。
Our costs have risen. Consequently, our profits are going to decrease slightly. 我们的成本已经上涨。因此,我们的利润将会稍有下降。

Because of strong competition, profits are down. 由于激烈竞争,因此利润有所下降。
Profits are down because of strong competition. 利润有所下降,因为激烈竞争。
Due to rising prices, expenses are up. 由于价格上涨,因此费用上升。
Expenses are up due to rising prices. 由于价格上涨,因此费用上升。
Sales are down. Consequently, there are layoffs. 销售额下降。因此会有裁员。
Sales are up. As a result, profits are also up. 销售额上升。因此利润也有上升。

4. 谈论增长与下降

has increased to 23% 上升至百分之二十三
has increased to nearly 25% 上升将近至百分之二十五
fell by 8% 下降了百分之八
Sales have been flat. 销量平稳。
is up by 5% 上升了百分之五
Costs have also risen. 成本也上升了。
Profits are going to decrease slightly. 利润将稍有下滑。

使用现在完成时谈论一段时间以来直到现在发生的变化。使用介词 to 表示结果。使用介词 by 表示数额。
Our market share has increased to 23 percent. 我们的市场份额增加到了百分之二十三。
Profits have decreased by 15 percent. 利润下降了百分之十五。
如果没有变化,可以使用形容词 flat。
Sales have been flat. 销量平稳。

Revenue fell by 8% last year. 收入去年下降了百分之八。
Our market share rose to 35% last quarter. 上一个季度我们的市场份额上升到百分之三十五。

使用 nearly,slightly 和 significantly 等副词表达不那么精确的信息。
Prices rose by nearly 20%. 价格上涨了将近百分之二十。
Sales have decreased slightly. 销售额稍有下降。
Revenue has increased significantly. 收入大大增加。

The purpose of the meeting is to give you an update. 会议的目的是告诉你们最新的信息。
Our market share has been flat. 我们的市场份额平稳。
Our market share has decreased significantly. 我们的市场份额大幅下降。
Our profits have increased significantly. 我们的利润大幅增加。
Our revenues have increased slightly. 我们的收入略微上升。
We have to find a way to increase sales. 我们必须要找到增加销量的办法。

Module 2 讨论可能的解决办法

1. 更多商务词汇

database 数据库
huge 巨大的
half a million 五十万
developers 开发人员
project manager 项目经理
release 发布
software 软件
customers 客户
hiring freeze 冻结招聘
hire 雇用,招聘

When is the company's next software release? 公司下一次软件发布是什么时候?
She works as a developer in a software company. 她在软件公司做开发人员。
Half a million dollars is a lot of money. 五十万美元是一大笔钱。
We keep all our information in a huge database. 我们把所有的信息储存在一个巨大的数据库里。
We can save money with a hiring freeze. 我们可以停止招聘来省钱。
He does a great job as project manager. 他作为项目经理,工作做得很好。

2. think和believe引导的从句

含有 'think'和'believe'的从句

使用动词 think 和 believe 表达观点。注意,观点位于 that 从句,紧随动词之后。
I think that Joan did a good job. 我认为 Joan 做得很好。
Simon believes that we can save half a million dollars. Simon 认为我们能省下五十万美元。

单词 that 可以省略,意思不会有改变。
I think Joan did a good job. 我认为 Joan 做得很好。
Simon believes we can save half a million dollars. Simon 认为我们能省下五十万美元。

回答是或否的时,用 so 替代 that 从句,以避免重复整个短语。
A: Do you think that Joan did a good job? 你认为 Joan 做得好吗?
B: Yes, I think so. 是的,我是这样想的。
C: No, I don't think so. 不,我不这样想。

3. 表达观点

In my opinion ... 在我看来……
I believe ... 我认为……

表达观点有很多方法。比如说,你可以使用 in my opinion 和 it's my feeling (that) 这样的表达。
In my opinion, we could delay the software release. 在我看来,我们可以推迟软件发布。
It's his feeling that we need to cut costs. 他觉得我们需要削减成本。

你也可以使用 I think 和 I believe 。记住,这些从句里面 that 可用可不用。
I don't believe that we should lay off staff. 我认为我们不应该裁员。
He thinks a hiring freeze is better than layoffs. 他认为停止招聘比裁员更好。

I don't believe layoffs are the best idea. 我认为裁员不是最好的办法。
He doesn't think that layoffs are the best idea. 他认为裁员不是最好的办法。
In my opinion, we need to delay the release. 在我看来,我们需要推迟发布。
Her feeling is that we need to delay the release. 她的意见是我们需要推迟发布。
I think that we could save half a million dollars. 我认为我们能节省五十万美元。
No, I don't think we could save that much. 不,我认为我们省不了那么多。

4. 请求澄清和确认


I'm sorry – could you repeat that? 不好意思,你能再说一遍吗?
I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that. 对不起,可我没听明白。
I'm sorry – would you mind repeating that? 不好意思,你介意重复一遍吗?

Do you mean that you think it's a good idea? 你的意思是你认为这是个好主意?
Are you saying we should stop the project? 你是说我们应该停止这个项目吗?

So you think he should be fired? 那么你认为他应该被解雇吗?
So, just to confirm, you believe that it's too expensive? 那么,只是确认一下,你认为太贵了是吗?

Half a million? 五十万吗?

I'm sorry - would you mind repeating that? 不好意思,你介意重复一遍吗?
I'm sorry - could you repeat that? 不好意思,你能再说一遍吗?
Do you mean that you think it's a good idea? 你的意思是你认为这是个好主意吗?
I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that. 对不起,可我没听明白。
So you think that he should be fired? 那么你认为他应该被解雇吗?
So, just to confirm, you believe it's too expensive? 那么,只是确认一下,你认为太贵了是吗?
Are you saying we should stop the project? 你是说我们应该停止这个项目吗?

Module 3 提出方案

1. 动词变为名词

discussion 讨论
lay anyone off 解雇他人
proposing 打算,提议
savings 存款,储蓄
think 认为,想
delay 推迟,延迟
save 节省
suggest 建议
hiring 雇用,招聘
start 开始

一些动词加上后缀后可变为名词。一些能把动词变为名词的后缀是:-ion, -ing, -al, -ism, -ness, -ist和 -ity。
discuss - discussion 讨论 - 讨论
suggest - suggestion 建议 - 建议
hire - hiring 聘请 - 雇用
save - savings 节省 - 储蓄
propose - proposal 提议 - 方案

有些名词看起来与他们的动词非常不同。如,think 的名词和该动词的过去式完全一样:
think - thought 认为 - 想法

delay - delay 推迟 - 推迟
start - start 开始 - 开始
lay off - layoff 解雇 - 解雇

2. propose和suggest引导的从句

用propose 和 suggest 动词提出建议。注意,两个动词后常接一个that 从句。
I propose that we delay the database project. 我提议我们推迟数据库项目。
I suggest that we hire a new project manager. 我建议我们聘请一位新的项目经理。

that 可以省略,没有意义的变化。
I propose we delay the database project. 我提议我们推迟数据库项目。
I suggest we hire a new project manager. 我建议我们聘请一位新的项目经理。

两个动词 propose 和 suggest 说明可能性的概念,并且强调说话人即将要讲的内容。注意两个动词之后始终使用不带 to 的不定式,而且并不遵循主谓一致的规则。也就是说,he、she 或 it 后面的动词不需要加 -s。
I propose that he delay the project. 我提议他推迟项目。
I suggest she lay off some staff. 我建议她应该裁掉一些人员。

I propose that he delay the project. 我建议他推迟这个项目。
I suggest that we hire a new project manager. 我建议我们招聘一位新的项目经理。
I suggest we have a hiring freeze. 我建议我们冻结招聘。
I propose we wait a couple of months. 我提议我们等上几个月。

3. 提出和回应方案

We're proposing that ... 我们计划……
That sounds reasonable. 那听起来很合理。
What else? 还有什么?
We'd like to suggest ... 我们想提议……
Good work, guys. 干得好,各位。
look at some different options 考察不同的方案
I agree. 我同意

We're proposing that we delay the project. 我们提议推迟项目。
That sounds reasonable. 那听起来很合理。
What else? 还有什么?
I suggest that we have a hiring freeze. 我建议我们停止招聘。
We have to look at some different options. 我们必须考虑一些不同的方案。
I agree with you. 我同意你。

Module 4 撰写简短的商务方案

1. 提案开头

executive summary 是商业提案起头的有效方法。下面是一种简单的构思办法。
The purpose of this proposal is to find a new location for our company offices. 该提案的目的旨在为公司寻找新的办公地点。

Because of falling market share, we have to find a way to generate more sales. 由于市场份额下滑,我们不得不寻找促进销售额的办法。

We have reviewed a list of options to find the best solution. 我们审查了许多选择,以求找到最佳的解决方案。

We are proposing a hiring freeze as the best way to cut expenses. 我们提议最好的办法是暂停招聘,以削减开支。
We are rejecting layoffs as a solution, due to the negative effects it will have on the staff. 我们反对把裁员作为解决方案,因为会对员工造成负面影响。

2. 正式和非正式的语言

一般而言,非正式的句子更短,代词 I 的使用更频繁,包含更多个人看法。正式的句子通常更长,感情色彩更淡。以下举几个例子。非正式用语的句子每次先出现。

I think we should try to spend less money. 我认为我们应该努力少花钱。
The purpose of this proposal is to outline a plan to cut expenses. 本提案的目的旨在概述一个削减开支的计划。

I think we should save more because things are getting more expensive and sales are poor. 我认为我们应该更加节省,因为物价越来越贵,销售额非常不理想。
Because of increasing expenses and decreasing sales, the company has identified the need to make savings. 由于不断上升的开支和日益下滑的销售额,公司明确了开源节流的需要。

I've looked at a few options. 我看过一些方案。
We have reviewed a list of options to find the best solution. 我们审查了许多方案,以求找到最佳解决办法。

I think we should have a hiring freeze. It'll help cut expenses. 我认为我们应该暂停招聘,这有助于削减开支。
We are proposing a hiring freeze as the best way to cut expenses. 我们提议最好的办法是暂停招聘,以削减开支。

I don't think we should lay off anyone because it'll make people very unhappy. 我觉得我们不应该解雇任何人,因为这会让人非常担心。
We are rejecting layoffs as a solution, due to the negative effects it will have on staff. 我们反对把裁员作为解决方案,因为会对员工造成负面影响。

3. 利弊

作为商业提案的一部分,您常常会加入对所提议解决方案的advantages and disadvantages 或 pros and cons 的分析。

One advantage is lower costs. 一个优点是降低成本。
Another pro is that revenues will increase. 另一个好处是收入会增加。
One con, however, is that we'll need to use staff more efficiently. 但是,不利之处在于我们需要更有效地使用员工。
A further disadvantage is that projects will not be finished so quickly. 还有一个缺点是项目不会很快完成。

使用类似 big 和 obvious 在内的形容词强调优缺点的重要性。
Another big advantage of a hiring freeze is that we can keep morale high. 暂停招聘的一大优点在于我们可以保持高涨的士气。
An obvious advantage is that we don't need to have any layoffs. 一个明显的优点是我们无需裁员。

4. 总结

In conclusion, a hiring freeze is the best choice for the company right now. 最后,暂停招聘是公司目前的最佳选择。
To conclude, we recommend layoffs to cut costs. 总而言之,我们建议裁员以削减成本。

It would lower costs and keep morale high. 这会降低成本,保持高涨的士气。
The advantages are obvious: Costs would be cut by 50%. 优点显而易见:成本可以减少 50%。

We suggest that we review this proposal at a meeting next week. 我们建议我们下周开会审查这一提案。
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. 如有任何问题或疑虑,请联系我。

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_21086749/article/details/118096457