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Discovering and Achieving Goals via World Models

发表时间:2021(NeurIPS 2021) 文章要点:这篇文章提出Latent Explorer Achiever (LEXA)算法,通过学习world model的imagined rollouts来训练一个explorer策略和一个achiever策略,通过unsupervised learning学习策略,最后可以zero-shot迁移到其他任务。这个方式的好处在于之前的探索方法只

LeetCode:Database 20. League Statistics

要求:Write an SQL query to report the statistics of the league. The statistics should be built using the played matches where the winning team gets three points and the losing team gets no points. If a match ends with a draw, both teams get one point. Tea

Unit3 Interviewing for a job

General English:7 Unit3 Interviewing for a job Vocabulary applicants,inflexible,unreliable,references,quick learner,great with people,strengths, that's for sure,to be honest. Reading I'd like to schedule an appointment for an interview. Cente


目录 A - Binarize ItB - g2g c u l8rC - Tip to be PalindromeD - Soccer StandingsE - NIH BudgetF - Interstellar LoveG - Plate SpinningH - The Eternal Quest for CaffeineI - Pegasus Circle ShortcutJ - Lowest Common Ancestor 2021年度训练联盟热身训练赛第二

东北大学软件项目管理与过程改进bb平台题目整理(Chapter 1)

[转载请注明出处] [关注即可在个人资源处免费下载(Chapter 1-3),方便搜索] Information Technology Project Management Chapter 1 A difference between strategic and tactical goals is?答案:a a. strategic goals are long-term in nature whereas tactical goals are sho


[转载请注明出处] 文章目录 Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 Chapter 1 A difference between strategic and tactical goals is?答案:a a. strategic goals are long-term in nature whereas tactical goals are short-term.b. tactical goals are more important for a

Time Management时间管理

Three keys to brilliant time management Plan: Understand the purpose of your task andset yourself meaningful goals. Prioritise: Categorise tasks according to importance and urgency, and organise your time accordingly. Delegate: Know which tasks should be


        methods方法: 降序         goalsUP(x,y){             return y.goals-x.goals;         }, 升序 goalsUP(x,y){             return x.goals-y.goals         }, 使用:        this.dataList = ftableSor

Eclipse中 Run as --->Maven build 命令详解

Maven Build  Goals:                  clean  清除编译,compile  编译,test  编译并测试,install 打包并发送到本地仓库,package 只是打成jar包,并不会发送到本地仓库   测试: run as maven build.. goals 输入 clean test   打包: run as maven build.. goals 输入 clean

LeetCode 1212. Team Scores in Football Tournament

Table: Teams +---------------+----------+| Column Name | Type |+---------------+----------+| team_id | int || team_name | varchar |+---------------+----------+team_id is the primary key of this table.Each row of this table represent


夜光序言:   哪有什么选择恐惧症,还不是因为穷;哪有什么优柔寡断,还不是因为怂。别把窘境迁怒于环境或他人,你唯一需要抱怨的,只是懒拖、不够努力的自己。           正文: 8.7、发布打包 使用mvn  clean清除以前的编译文件 使用mvn package 打包 使用java –jar 包名 如果报

spring AOP Capability and Goals

原官方文档链接: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.1.6.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/core.html#aop-introduction-spring-defn   个人归纳: Spring AOP Capabillity 是用纯Java实现的,不需要特殊的编译过程。 不需要控制类加载器层次结构,因此适合在servlet容器或应用程

Spring AOP capabilities and goals

Spring AOP capabilities and goals   Spring AOP是用纯的java实现的。不需要任何个性的实现过程。Spring AOP不需要控制类加载器,并且它适用于Servlet容器或者应用服务器。 Spring AOP当前只支持方法执行的连接点(通知Spring beans的方法执行)。字段的拦截没有实现,虽然支持字段的

spring AOP Capability and Goals

还是先放官方文档(学习起点第一步) https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.1.6.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/core.html#aop-introduction-spring-defn Spring AOP是用纯Java实现的。不需要特殊的编译过程。Spring AOP不需要控制类加载器层次结构,因此适合在servlet容器或应用


SELECT -- Select the season and max goals scored in a match season, MAX(home_goal + away_goal) AS max_goals, -- Select the overall max goals scored in a match (SELECT MAX(home_goal + away_goal) FROM match) AS overall_max_goals, -- Select t

Sub-query 子查询

WHERE 子查询 SELECT -- Select the date, home goals, and away goals scored date, home_goal, away_goal FROM matches_2013_2014 -- Filter for matches where total goals exceeds 3x the average WHERE (home_goal + away_goal) > (SELECT 3 * AVG(hom