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XTOOL X100 Pro3 VS X100 Pro2

Xtool X100 Pro3 是一款全新的专业自动钥匙编程器。 是X100 Pro2的升级版。 它们之间的硬件配置、语言和软件更新方法是相同的。 主要区别在于x100 pro3增加了5个特殊功能,包括ABS、TPS(油门重新学习)、EPB(转向角传感器调整)、油灯复位和EPS,并且不支持里程表调整。   仔细查看下

XTOOL A80 Pro(H6 Pro)使用提示+常见问题解答

这篇文章附带了为新手注册(激活)和更新XTOOL A80 Pro(与H6 Pro相同)的指南。此外,这里还分享了有关此Xtool诊断工具最常见问题的答案。 第1部分:XTOOL A80 Pro使用技巧:-如何注册和更新A80 pro?很容易做。只需按照以下分步指南进行操作即可。注意:使用的设备是XTOOL H6 Pro,但该指南也适用于

Xtool X100 Pad2 key program & pin code read feedback

I post here what is working on x100 pad 2, thanks for users’ experience. Looks like Xtooltech Tablet is working with most makers, generally speaking if you live in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, you will find Xtool X100 Pad2 is very used. Part 1: Xtool X100 P

Xtool X100 PAD2 Pro with KC100 Key Programmer FAQs

Xtool X100 Pad2 Pro full version adds VW 4th/5th generation immobilizer programming. It’s a professional key programmer for workshop with special functions. Here share the related FAQs and answers incl. key programming, mileage adjustment and common error

Buy xtool x100 pad2 or obdstar tool?

xtool x100 pad2 or obdstar tool (x300 pro3 and obdstar DP plus). Which one has better coverage and support? How come obdstar products are more popular and has frequent updates but xtool products are slow in updates and least popular? Here are the answers:

Xtool x100 pad2 FAQS and the solutions for software cant working

Xtool x100 pad2 FAQS and the solutions for software cant working Xtool X100 PAD2 is the first tablet key programmer in the world! It not only provides customers with professional key programming,but also the most needed special functions for workshop. So