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Nothing we could get, so we gonna inspect the hint. According to the hint, it's easily to associate with that prevailing meme -- remove everything and run away. The command removes everyting is 'rm -rf /*', so key word is.web8
include "flag.php"; 被包含文件先按参数给出的路径寻找,如果没有给出目录(只有文件名)时则按照 include_path 指定的目录寻找 $a = @$_REQUEST['hello']; 代表 $_REQUEST 将包含 $_GET 和web8-考核
打开网页提示“Only the admin can get the flag,flag in /flag”“you name is None" 访问http://xmctf.top:8861/?name={{7}},返回"you name is 7" 访问http://xmctf.top:8861/?name={{7*7}},返回"you name is 49" 猜测可能为模板注入 访问http://xmctf.top:8861/?name={{confi28.web8
file_get_contents()文件包含漏洞,根据题目提示txt?尝试flag.txt payload: ?ac=flags&fn=flag.txtbugku web8
打开网站,是一段PHP代码, <?phpextract($_GET);if (!empty($ac)){$f = trim(file_get_contents($fn));if ($ac === $f){echo "<p>This is flag:" ." $flag</p>";}else{echo "<p>sorry!</p>";}}?> 审计一下这个代码,发现得到flag的条件是