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My edition: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching? As people’s lives become better and better, watching movies seem to be an indispensable part, for it not only

UVA10339 【Watching Watches】

题目大意:有两个时钟,一个每天慢\(a\)秒,另一个每天慢\(b\)秒,询问两个时钟下一次重合的时刻\(.\) 时刻重合也就是整整相差一周的时候,一周为\(12\)个小时,总共\(12* 60 * 60\)秒,用这个数除以\(abs(a-b)\)即为走多少天后两个时钟重合。接下来用需要走的天数$ * $ 某一个表每天走的时间即

Error: Watching remote files is not supported.

Error: Watching remote files is not supported. 这个问题有没有什么解决方法?

springboot踩坑日记—nacos: Error watching Nacos Service change

springboot踩坑日记—nacos: Error watching Nacos Service change Spring Boot :: (v2.1.5.RELEASE) 错误代码: 07-30 10:47:37.148 ERROR [o.s.cloud.alibaba.nacos.discovery.NacosWatch] - Error watching Nacos Service change java.lang.IllegalStateException


一、现在此刻正在进行的活动 what program are you watching?i am watching Friends. 二、目前一段时间内持续的一种暂时情况 i am taking the bus to work this week,because my car is in the garage. 三、用于“变化”类动词(change,come,get,become,grow,deteriorate),表示现阶段