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【MOS】Troubleshooting 'enq: TX - index contention' Waits (文档 ID 873243.1)

Troubleshooting 'enq: TX - index contention' Waits (文档 ID 873243.1) APPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 11.2]  Information in this document applies to any platform.  GOALThis document e

enq: TX - index contention

When running an OLTP systems, it i€™s possible to see high TX enqueue contention on index associated with tables, which are having high concurrency from the application.  This usually happens when the application performs lot of INSERTs and DELETEs concur

MySQL – wait_timeout变量

我一直试图通过在我的CentOS机器上更改MySQL(5.1.67)中的wait_timeout变量来解决我认为可能有帮助的问题. 所以,我用我想要的值(180)更新了/etc/my.cnf,并重新启动了MySQL,但现在我很惊讶地发现我为wait_timeout获取了不同的值,具体取决于我的显示方式(见下文) : mysql> show globa

Troubleshooting 'library cache: mutex X' Waits. (Doc ID 1357946.1)

In this Document   Purpose   Troubleshooting Steps   What is a 'library cache: mutex X' wait?   What causes 'library cache: mutex X' wait?   Name of events in 12c and higher   How to diagnose the cause.