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[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 19: 19 - Version Spaces

       Optional reading: Winston Chapter 20        Incremental Concept Learning Revisited           Abstract Version Spaces         Visualizing Version Spaces   converge    model is thre representation of the world        Example

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 13: 13 - Planning

        Block Problem Revisited           Painting a Ceiling             States              Optional Reading: Winston Chapter 15, pages 323-336          Operators                     Planning and State Spaces    pl

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 5: 05 - Means-Ends Analysis

  Optional Reading : Winston Chapter 3, pp. 50-60 http://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.034f/ai3/rest.pdf          Exercise: The Block Problem   This example is adapted from the following book: Winston, P. (1993). Artificial Intelligence (3rd ed.). Addi