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F2F-Discussing transportation

Do you live in tianjing? In the past,what kind of traffic/transportation do you usually choose,when you plan to travel somewhere? 在高峰时段 in peak hour Have you taken several lessons in a row? Have you taken several lessons in today's afternoon? '

GYM102900 K. Traveling Merchant

题目链接:http://codeforces.com/gym/102900/problem/K 、 题目大意:给一个图,每个点一开始为低价点或高价点,一商人从点0出发(点0一开始必定为低价点),按低价买入——高价卖出的顺序走,每个点被走过后高价变为低价,低价变为高价,问该图是否能够无限地走下去。   题目思路:首先,不妨记低价为0

Traveling Salesman among Aerial Cities(旅行商问题)

题目链接: Traveling Salesman among Aerial Cities - AtCoder abc180_e - Virtual Judgehttps://vjudge.net/problem/AtCoder-abc180_e 题目大意: 给出计算两个城市之间cost的方法,输入n个城市的x,y,z坐标,求出从第一个城市遍历所有城市之后回到该城市的最小cost和 思路: 这个计算cost

[GYM102900K]Traveling Merchant

IV.[GYM102900K]Traveling Merchant 首先,观察到路径一定是一个 \(\rho\) 形的东西,其中在 \(\rho\) 的交点之前,一直都是黑白点交替,到了交点处是两个同色点。 于是我们就只保留异色边建一张图,则问题就转变为给你多对同色点,询问有无从 \(1\) 经过其中一个点到达另一个点的简单路径。

AtCoder - abc092_a Traveling Budget

AtCoder - abc092_a Traveling Budget 原题链接 Problem Description: You planned a trip using trains and buses. The train fare will be Ayen (the currency of Japan) if you buy ordinary tickets along the way, and Byen if you buy an unlimited ticket. Similarly,


Problem Description AtCoDeer the deer is going on a trip in a two-dimensional plane. In his plan, he will depart from point (0,0) at time 0, then for each i between 1 and N (inclusive), he will visit point (xi,yi) at time ti. If AtCoDeer is at point (x,y)

Cheer Chen traveling light, elegant and charming qualities haggard hair

Cheer Chen traveling light, elegant and charming qualities haggard  ghd hair straightener hair Mop ANGELES, Sept. 27, Taipei, Taiwan folk days after the appearance of a dress Cheer Chen a cool camera briefing ghd straightener, she was wearing a simple,

H - Traveling on the Axis ZOJ - 4054 (简单DP)

题目链接: H - Traveling on the Axis  ZOJ - 4054  题目大意::走红绿灯,红绿灯每秒变一次,问走到最后要多少秒。求的是从任一点走到最后的和。 具体思路:倒着判断, dp[i][0]代表从当前点开始到达剩余的点的时间总和 dp[i][1]代表从当前点的反状态到达剩余的点的时间总和。 当s[i]=='0'