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第4节.if语句 4.1 if语句的简单示例 cars=['audi','bmw','subaru','toyota']for car in cars:    if car=='bmw':        print(car.upper())    else:        print(car.title()) 4.2 if语句 if-else语句 age=17if age>=18:    print(


#5.1 if语句的简单示例 ##示例: cars=['audi','bmw','subaru','toyota'] for car in cars:     if car=='bmw':         print(car.upper())     else:         print(car.title()) #5.2 if语句 ##if-else语句 ###示例: age=17 if age>

The Law of Demeter

The Law of Demeter 文章目录 The Law of Demeter简介定义1. Chain Calls2. The Law and the Builder Pattern3. 例外总结 简介 最近在提交代码质量检测的时候,总是因为这个major错误搞的痛不欲生,头发狂掉。弄懂了以后特地记录一下,省的忘记。 在使用面向对象的语言进行编

[LeetCode] 1774. Closest Dessert Cost

You would like to make dessert and are preparing to buy the ingredients. You have n ice cream base flavors and m types of toppings to choose from. You must follow these rules when making your dessert: There must be exactly one ice cream base. You can a


冻结对象: var pizza = { name: 'Peri Peri', Topping: 'Prawn' }; Object.freeze(pizza); // Can't change the name of the object because it's frozen pizza.name = 'Hawaiian'; 解冻对象: var pizza = { name: 'P