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Python 线性回归计算r-squared方法
背景 计算线性回归a、b值后,希望计算r-squared,对比是否为最佳拟合 Excel拟合 数据源 拟合结果 Python拟合 import math import numpy as np from scipy import stats testX = [174.5,171.2,172.9,161.6,123.6,112.1,107.1,98.6,98.7,97.5,95.8,93.5,91.1,85.2,75.6,72.7,68GRE Vocabulary:veer - decry
1. veer The road veers suddenly right, then back left again. (to change direction quickly or suddenly) 2. plummet The eagle plumments to the earth to catch the rabbit. (to fall straight down) 3. grovel回归调库练习
回归调库 相信许多人对调库充满了恐惧,那些不同的库让人看得眼花缭乱,本次代码分享就是以波士顿房价为例来做预测模型,并采用网格搜索来确定最优参数,最后再用最优参数确定最优模型再打印其评估指标,从而对相关调库进行对比记忆 # 1.回归算法 # -数据:boston房价 from sklearn.datasets