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AD594/AD595 AD594/AD595是带冷端补偿的热电偶集成运放,AD594适用于J型热电偶,AD595适用于K型热电偶。要深入了解请看下面的官方Datasheet介绍。 The AD594/AD595 is a complete instrumentation amplifier and thermocouple cold junction compensator on a monolithic chip. It

PAT甲 练习记录——树

1 . 二叉树的遍历 1020 Tree Traversals 1086 Tree Traversals Again 1102 Invert a Binary Tree 2 . 树的遍历 1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain 1106 Lowest Price in Supply Chain 1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain 1094 The Largest Generation 1004 Counting Leaves

tp6 使用Mpdf进行导出功能实现,兼容中文和复杂的css

类库下载 composer require mpdf/mpdf 3、控制器代码 use Mpdf\Mpdf; public function createPdf() { //为了防止文件下载的时候出现跨域问题 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $mpdf = new Mpdf(); //自动识别文字字符 $mpdf->autoScriptToLang

Oracle Cloud Applications:Oracle供应链规划有助于同步供应和需求、检测问题、确定竞争需求的优先级

Supply Chain Planning Oracle Supply Chain Planning helps synchronize supply and demand, detect issues, prioritize competing demands, and route and schedule global supply to minimize disruptions. The solution uses scenario modeling and machine learning to


平台:A133+AXP717 系统:Android11 内核:Linux5.4 现象:在板子不接电池的情况下,连接电脑板子掉电(该项目不需要电池),用示波器抓到的波形显示reset一直为低。 使用逻辑分析仪测量pmu和主控在掉电前的通讯,发现其对pmu进行写0x17 0x88 通过查阅axp717数据手册我们发现这是一个限流操作,

Cardano vs Solana: Which Is The Better Cryptocurrency?

https://solberginvest.com/blog/cardano-vs-solana/ Investing Beginner / By Oskar Solberg / August 24, 2021 Cardano and Solana have made commendable gains in the year 2021. I have been analyzing both of these projects for quite a while now, and I will


软件许可的范围从永久到订阅、部分授权和无限制授权。决定哪种方法最适合您的公司呢?通常情况下,选择哪种方法取决于软件供应商定价政策以及买方预算。在当今无服务器技术、PB 级数据移动和高可用性云产品的世界中,传统的定价模式不再适合当前的新模式。定价需要不断发展,以满足数据和

No power supply specified for netVCC in Power Rail Confiquration.

应该是仿真出错了。         点击如图:Configure Power Rails    跳出这个窗口,把VCC添加过去,记得点击左下角:Use default power rail connection,点击

SAP CARR for retails solution SAP零售集成方案

Customer-Centric Merchandising SAP Merchandising for Retail Inventory Valuation (e.g. Retail Method of Accounting) Perishables Procurement SAP Planning for Retail SAP Price Optimization  SAP Promotion Management for Retail Customer-Driven Supply Cha

System.InvalidOperationException:“This MySqlConnection is already in use. See https://fl.vu/mysql-co

出错 var applicationform = db.ApplicationForm.Where(x => applicationformids.Contains(x.id)); foreach (var item in applicationform) { var supply = realNeedApplyList.Single(x => x.applicationformid == item.id);//这里出错 。。。。。

ABB AC 900F学习笔记70:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_AC_900F_Controller-30

6.10 Power consumption 功耗 The total power consumption of the controller corresponds to the sum of all individual consumption values. The following values must be taken into consideration: 控制器的全功耗等于所有个体功耗之和。下列值必须考虑在内。 the powe

ABB AC900F学习笔记39:Freelance_Mounting_and_Installation_Safety_Instructions_for_AC_700F_AC_900F-5

接着前一篇继续 2.4 Electrical connection 电气连接 The DIN rail must be connected to earth potential PE before the device is subjected to any power Earthing (switch cabinet earthing, PE) is supplied both by the mains connection (or 24 V supply voltage)

PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain (25 分) 凌宸1642

PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain (25 分) 凌宸1642 题目描述: A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from

power supply是如何上报电池信息的

一、引文 作为一个内核初学者,经常容易进入“知其然但不知其所以然”的状态,在power supply子系统中就是这样,知道如何去添加一个属性prop,知道psy可以创建一堆文件节点,也知道上层是通过读取这些节点来获取供电信息的,但对于其中的细节,便知之甚少。最近深究其中,才逐步发现内核的奥妙所

PAT甲级真题Highest Price in Supply Chain(实质求树的深度)

PAT甲级真题Highest Price in Supply Chain(实质找树的深度) 典型思路递归深搜,超时了 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int dep; int all_posi[1000000]; void find(vector<vector<int>>s,int r,int nowdepth){ if(s[r].size()==0){//叶子节点 dep=d

UPS(Uninterrupted Power Supply)——不间断电源基础知识(转)

UPS基础知识 UPS的作用 UPS中文为“不间断电源”。是一种含储能装置,以整流器、逆变器为主要组成部分,为机房、监控、服务器系统等设备提供恒压恒频的不间断电源。 UPS系统的主要作用有两方面: 1、做为重要设备的交流供电电源,防止市电突然断电而影响正常工作,给设备造成损害; 2、消除市

1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain (25 分 树

A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the chain buys products from one's supplier in a pric

1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain——PAT甲级真题

1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain A supply chain is a network of retailers(零售商), distributors(经销商), and suppliers(供应商)-- everyone involved in moving a product from supplier to customer. Starting from one root supplier, everyone on the chain buys product

Oracle ~ merge into 函数 (增量更新、全量更新)

Oracle merge into 函数 增量更新、全量更新 1、数据导入功能,存在全量更新/增量更新的问题,简单记录使用 oracel 的 merge into 函数。 2、全量更新(覆盖模式):数据库存在该条数据时,做更新操作。不存在时,做新增操作 3、增量更新(跳过模式):数据库存在该条数据时,不做任何操作,不存

centos 电池

CentOs7中查看电量剩余电量 查看CentOs7中电量剩余电量:cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity   [root@localhost ~]# cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity 100 [root@localhost ~]# ls /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/ alarm device energy_

POJ 2516 Minimum Cost (最小费用最大流+拆图)

题目 Dearboy, a goods victualer, now comes to a big problem, and he needs your help. In his sale area there are N shopkeepers (marked from 1 to N) which stocks goods from him.Dearboy has M supply places (marked from 1 to M), each provides K different kinds

Lower power design & UPF 学习

目录 Lower power design & UPF C1 -- Lower-power design strategies 1. Dynamic and Static Power 2. 降低功耗的方法 3. 标准UPF C2 -- Library Requirements C3 -- Power Intent Specification 1. UPF中的通配符 2. 电源意图概念 3. Synopsys 多电压域流程 Supply Sets Go

C4K Power supply failed?

故障log: %C4K_IOSMODPORTMAN-4-POWERSUPPLYBAD: Power supply 2 has failed or been turned off 在单机的情况下,我们可以很容易的判断是哪一个Power Supply故障了,但是在VSS环境下,没有注意过这类log,可能有点迷糊,这哦Power supply 2是指Switch 1的PS呢还是Switch 2呢?   实际情况如

1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain

题目 题意:给出销售链,从出厂商开始向下一级就会涨r%的价格,最后到零售商这问所有零售商的销售额总值为多少 tip:路径压缩  #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main () { int n; double p,r; cin>>n>>p>>r; r/=100.; int s[n]= {0},retail[n]= {

Android 开机充电图标和充电动画

首先驱动需要先获取到2个power supply kernel\msm-3.18\drivers\usb\phy\phy-msm-usb.c motg->usb_psy.name = "usb"; motg->usb_psy.type = POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_USB; motg->usb_psy.supplied_to = otg_pm_power_supplied_to; motg->usb_psy.num_supplicant