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VUE - 启动 PWA ,使用 service-worker 缓存静态文件

VUE - 启动 PWA ,使用 service-worker 缓存静态文件   方法1:https://www.jianshu.com/p/8f3ad5021b0a 方法2:https://www.cnblogs.com/lcosima/p/14537877.html  开发环境:vue2,vuecli4   方法1: 在main.js 引用 sw配置 if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { navigator.service

Business Model - Strategy

Strategy The strategy concerns the determination of the long-term goals and objectives of the company and the implementation of the guidelines and the allocation of the resources necessary for the pursuit of the set objectives. Entrepreneurship Challen

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

.pdf.zip博客园下载 2,083KB Nick Bostrom is the author of over 200 publications, and has written two books and co-edited two others. The two books he has authored are Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy (2002) and Superintel

pm2 重启策略(restart strategies)

使用 PM2 启动应用程序 时,应用程序会在自动退出、事件循环为空 (node.js) 或应用程序崩溃时自动重新启动。 但您也可以配置额外的重启策略,例如: 使用定时任务重新启动应用程序 文件更改后重新启动应用程序 当应用程序达到内存阈值时重新启动 延迟启动和自动重启 默认情况下,在崩溃

How to master the accuracy of darts?

First of all, dart equipment is the key. Tungsten alloy darts is the only choice in the end. You can choose the entry-level with 80% tungsten content, or you can choose the more expensive 90% or more. Tungsten alloy has high density. Tungsten alloy darts


1、《Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management》 作者:Ludwig B Chincarini/Daehwan Kim 2、《量化投资策略:如何实现超额收益Alpha》 作者:Richard Tortoriello 3、《Inside the Black Box:A Simple Guide to Quantitative and High Frequency》 作者:Rishi K Narang 4、《A

IC设计逻辑综合5——优化策略(optimization strategies)

优化(Optimization) 综合做的三件事: translateoptimizationmapping  optimization: EDA工具在做综合过程中,在用户定义了constraint(PPA constraint)情况下,对设计进行优化,达到用户的目标。 工具做到的优化: 构架优化(Architectural Optimization)结构优化,从构架上来讲,对整个设计进行优化