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AWS 20 AWS_Integration_Messaging_SQS_SNS_Kinesis

章节简介 •当我们开始部署多个应用程序时,它们将不可避免地需要相互通信•应用程序通信有两种模式 1) 同步通信(应用到应用) 2) 异步/基于事件(应用程序到队列到应用程序) 章节简介•如果存在以下情况,应用程序之间的同步可能会出现问题:突然的交通高峰•如果你突然需要对1000个视频进行编


一、简述Boto3 Boto3有两种API,低级和高级 低级API:是和AWS的HTTP接口一一对应的,通过boto3.client(“xx”)暴露;高级API:是面向对象的,通过boto3.resource(“xxx”)暴露,不一定覆盖所有API。 Boto3 是整个 AWS 的 SDK, 而不只是包括 S3. 还可以用来访问 SQS, EC2 等等。boto3.resou

[AWS - DA] Messaging - Kinesis

Overview   Different from SQS, once data into Kinesis, it cannot be deleted. SQS will be deleted after processed Kinesis is regional   Kinesis Producers Data record consists of: Sequence number (unique per partition key within shard) Partition key

[AWS - DA] AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS

SQS Decouple applications unlimited throughput, unlimited number of messages in queue 4 days retention of message, max 14 days 256KB size per message can have dulicate message (at least once delivery, osscasionally) can have out of order message (best ef