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Spring AMQP Reference说: Starting with version 1.3, the CachingConnectionFactory can be configured to cache connections as well as just channels. In this case, each call to createConnection() creates a new connection (or retrieves an idle one from the ca

java – 多个RabbitMQ应用程序

我试图在tomcat服务器上托管多个spring启动应用程序. 但是,当我尝试启动服务器时,我发现以下异常.问题与具有相同缓存工厂ID的多个rabbitmq队列有关.我尝试在… Application.class中创建一个具有不同id的ConnectionFactory bean,但是应用程序无法构建.欢迎任何帮助. org.springfra

java – spring-rabbitmq自动重试连接到代理

我已经阅读了这篇文档片段: RabbitMQ Automatic Connection/Topology recovery Since the first version of Spring AMQP, the framework has provided its own connection and channel recovery in the event of a broker failure. Also, as discussed in Section 3.1.10,