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java maven spring项目的.gitignore

.idea /target/ !.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar ### STS ### .apt_generated .classpath .factorypath .project .settings .springBeans .sts4-cache # Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/git,java,maven,eclipse,windows ### Eclipse ### .metadata bin/ tmp/

The Art of Prompting: Event Detection based on Type Specific Prompts

Motivation 之前的研究表明prompt可以提高模型在事件检测方面的性能,包括 使用特定structure 使用每种事件类型特定的query 原型 trigger 这些尝试启发对不同prompt效果的探究 Settings 作者在3种setting下做了实验: Supervised event detection Few-shot Event detection 两

The Golden Age of Compiler Design in an Era of HW/SW Co-design

End of Moore's Law up with emerging opportunities in HW/SW in DSA/DSL Hardware is getting harder modern compute acceleration platforms are multi-level and explicit heterogeneous compute incorporating domain-specific accelerators many accelerator IPs

CF1438A Specific Tastes of Andre 题解

Content 如果一个序列的和能够被它的长度整除,我们称这个序列是不错的。如果一个序列的所有的非空子序列都是不错的,我们就称这个序列是完美的。现在有 \(t\) 组询问,每组询问给定一个整数 \(n\),请构造出一个由不大于 \(100\) 的正整数组成的长度为 \(n\) 的完美的序列。 数据范围:\(1

git 不用clone整个远程仓库,只把特定的commit给fetch下来的方案

一个麻烦点就是,我需要阅读一个大点的开源项目,远程仓库的代码量太庞大了,如果我需要git reset --hard [commit sha1]感兴趣的commit快照,就首先得git clone整个远程仓库, 时间需要等待太长,而且网络一旦有问题还会功亏一篑。所有有没有一种只拉取远程仓库中的某个commit呢?有。命令

How to search for just a specific file type in Visual Studio code?

How to search for just a specific file type in Visual Studio code? Click the ellipses on the bottom right to display the "files to include" field. You can specify a particular type with "*.filetype". E.g.  

CONTA: Causal Intervention for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

As the part of theory is hard to understand, I will start from method part and complete theory part in the future method The most difficult part is the meaning of C: confounder set. The c

Find row in datatable with specific id

Find row in datatable with specific id 回答1   Make a string criteria to search for, like this: string searchExpression = "ID = 5" Then use the .Select() method of the DataTable object, like this: DataRow[] foundRows = YourDataTable.Select(searc

Background Processes Specific to Oracle RAC

Oracle RAC 数据库具有与单实例 Oracle 数据库相同的进程和内存结构,以及特定于 Oracle RAC 的其他进程和内存结构。全局缓存服务和全局入队服务进程,以及全局资源目录(GRD)协同实现缓存融合。Oracle RAC 进程及其标识符如下: ACMSAtomic Control File to Memory Service GTX[0-j] G


目录 前沿 代码实现 结果展示 前沿         主要为对文件的系列操作组合,对于大量重复性移动、复制、删除等工作,可尝试使用。 代码实现 # -*- coding = utf-8 -*- # @time:2021/6/12 16:32 # Author:scw # @File:文件移动_复制_删除.py # @Software:PyCharm # Environment:

Lab: Exploiting Ruby deserialization using a documented gadget chain:使用小工具链利用 Ruby 反序列化(Ruby 2.x Uni

靶场内容: 本实验使用基于序列化的会话机制和 Ruby on Rails 框架。有一个记录的漏洞利用可以通过此框架中的小工具链实现远程代码执行。 要解决实验室问题,请查找记录的漏洞利用并对其进行调整以创建包含远程代码执行有效负载的恶意序列化对象。然后,将此对象传递到网站以morale.txt

论文阅读17 | Cross-modality Person re-identification with Shared-Specific Feature Transfer

论文:Cross-modality Person re-identification with Shared-Specific Feature Transfer(基于共享特征和具体特征转移的跨模态行人重识别) 出处:CVPR2020 文章目录 1. motivation2. proposed method2.1 Two-stream feature extractor2.2 Shared-Specific Transfer Network(SSTN)

S2R-DepthNet: Learning a Generalizable Depth-specific StructuralRepresentation

背景:在计算机视觉领域,单目深度估计试图模拟人类的视觉,旨在从一张图像作为输入的情况 在计算机视觉领域,单目深度估计试图模拟人类的视觉,旨在只有一张图像作为输入的情况下,预测每个像素点的深度值。 从人类的感知心理学的相关研究中可以发现人的视觉系统更倾向于利用形状结构特征

How to delete specific nodes from an XElement?

How to delete specific nodes from an XElement? You can try this approach: var nodes = xRelation.Elements().Where(x => x.Element("Conditions") != null).ToList(); foreach(var node in nodes) node.Remove(); Basic idea: you can't delet


论文阅读:META LEARNING FOR END-TO-END LOW-RESOURCE SPEECH RECOGNITION 下载链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12094 主要思想:        本篇文章的主要思想是利用meta learning实现低资源的ASR。        meta learning: learn to learn。主要是获取一种“学会学习”的能

Oracle OCP 19c 认证1Z0-083考试题库(第2题)

Oracle OCP 19c 认证1Z0-083考试题库(第2题)-CUUG内部学员版083题库 2、Choose three. In which three situations can you use threshold server-generated alerts to help diagnose and fix problems? A) when free space in a dictionary managed tablespace falls below a specif

Tired ImageNet(few-shot learning最近很常用)的详细介绍及python处理方法

最近在读few-shot Learning 的论文,这个Tired ImageNet可以说是很多期刊论文的few-shot learning文章都喜欢用来做实验对比了,所以我也很好奇这个tired ImageNet到底是个什么样子的。通过这篇博客和大家一起探索一下tired ImageNet。 tired ImageNet是在2018年的论文 META-LEAR


论文来源:ICLR 2020 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.03082 代码链接:https://github.com/malllabiisc/CompGCN 1、引言 图神经网络已经成为图数据分析领域的经典算法了,各大顶会上相关的论文也层出不穷.但是,这些工作主要关注点都在如何在简单无向图上设计一个更新颖更复杂的

Penetration Test - Survey the Target(13)

Local Host Vulnerabilities CVE(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) Database https://www.cvedetails.com/vendor.php Windows 10 Apple Linux Kernel Android QUICK REVIEW Every operating system has its own specific vulnerabilities Online vulnerability re

LTE - Uplink Waveform Modeling Using SRS and PUCCH

Introduction The SRS configuration is split into 2 parts - UE-specific and cell-specific. The UE-specific part describes the schedule and content of actual SRS transmissions for this UE. The cell-specific part describes the time schedule when any UE in th

PDSCH Port 5 UE-Specific Beamforming

Introduction There are seven transmission modes in Release 8: Single antenna port, port 0 Transmit diversity Open-loop spatial multiplexing,large-delay Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD) Closed-loop spatial multiplexing Multi-user MIMO Codebook base

第44月第20天 The dispatch_queue_set_specific() and dispatch_get_specific() functions take a "void *

1. 76 //socket队列的标识key 77 void *IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey; 88 void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self; 89 90 //dispatch_queue_set_specific给当前队里加一个标识 dispatch_get_specific当前线程取出这个标识,判断是


CVPR2020行人重识别算法论文解读 Cross-modalityPersonre-identificationwithShared-SpecificFeatureTransfer 具有特定共享特征变换的跨模态行人重识别 摘要: 跨模态行人重识别对智能视频分析是一个难点,而又关键的技术。过去的研究主要集中在,将嵌入式不同模态放到同一个特征空间中,来训

《NVM-Express-1_4-2019.06.10-Ratified》学习笔记(8.7)Standard Vendor Specific Command Format

8.7 Standard Vendor Specific Command Format 标准的厂商特定命令格式 Controller可以支持Figure 106中定义的标准的Vendor Specific命令格式。主机存储驱动可以使用多个Dword域确保应用程序不能破坏物理内存(例如数据缓存越界)。controller在Identity Controller数据结构中指示对

Troubleshooting OSPF-Specific Issues

Configuring OSPF https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/netscaler/12/networking/ip-routing/configuring-dynamic-routes/configuring-ospf.html  September 25, 2018  Contributed by:  S The NetScaler supports Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Version 2 (RFC 2328). The fe