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sulphuric|hydrochloric|nitric|carbolic|citric|lactic|nucleic|amino acid: 硫|盐|硝|碳|柠檬|乳|核|氨基酸 王水是意译: Aqua regia is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid concentrations, usually one portion of the former by volume to three portions of the lat


canon (标准; 原则; 真经) cannon (大炮) command commend (赞扬; 推荐) complement (补充) compliment (赞美; 致意) I'm confident (自信的) of letting a confidant (密友) collect confidential (机密的) information. council (议会; 委员会) counsel (劝告; 建议) dole (津


参数 dest : 目标字符串型内存 sour: 十进制或十六进制整数 rate:进率(10 or 16) int ixtoa(char *dest, int sour, int rate) { char tmp[16] = {0}; int i = 0, j = 0; while(sour) { j = sour % rate; if(j < 10)


要将十进制数转换成其他进制,其实就是用这个十进制n数除以要转换成的那个进制数b,然后得到的余数组成b进制数。不过要注意的是在取的模值大于9时要转换成英文字母,比如16进制的FF。 #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> using namespac