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Evans PDE 讲义, 视频讲解, 练习参考解答 (更多见小锦教学微信公众号)

[Evans PDE Problem 6.6.1] Laplace's equation with potential function Consider Laplace's equation with potential function   : and the divergence structure equation: where the function   is postive. (1)、 Show that if   solves  and   also sol

Gym 101955G Best ACMer Solves the Hardest Problem

http://codeforces.com/gym/101955/problem/G 这题的关键在于k<=1e7 于是只需要枚举所有x^2+y^2<=1e7,然后k=x^2+y^2这里地方就多一种方案 最后发现所有数字中最多的拆分方案只有24种 那么直接m*kk[k].size()暴力做就行了。 用tim[x][y]作时间戳,记录这个位置保存的值是否是当前