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【AGC001E E - BBQ Hard】 题解

题目链接 题目 Snuke is having another barbeque party. This time, he will make one serving of Skewer Meal. He has a stock of N Skewer Meal Packs. The i-th Skewer Meal Pack contains one skewer, Ai​ pieces of beef and Bi​ pieces of green pepper. All skewers in

Shashlik Cooking

Long story short, shashlik is Miroslav’s favorite food. Shashlik is prepared on several skewers simultaneously. There are two states for each skewer: initial and turned over. This time Miroslav laid out n skewers parallel to each other, and enumerated

A - Shashlik Cooking CodeForces - 1040B

  http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1040/B Long story short, shashlik is Miroslav's favorite food. Shashlik is prepared on several skewers simultaneously. There are two states for each skewer: initial and turned over. This time Miroslav laid o