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CF1691B Shoe Shuffling

洛谷题面 题目大意 求出每一个大小相同的“块”,如果有块的大小为 \(1\) 则无解。 否则,我们对于每个“块”,设组成此“块”的每个元素的下标为 \([i,i+1,\cdots,i+k]\),则答案排列为 \([i+k,i,i+1,\cdots,i+k-1]\)。 注意求无解和输出要分开操作。 代码 #include <iostream> #include


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GoLang设计模式03 - 抽象工厂模式

之前我们介绍了工厂设计模式,现在我们再看一下抽象工厂设计模式。抽象工程模式顾名思义就是对工厂模式的一层抽象,也是创建型模式的一种,通常用来创建一组存在相关性的对象。 UML类图大致如下: 类图比较复杂,最好用个例子来说明。比方说,国内有两家生产运动服的工厂:nike和adidas 。现

GoLang设计模式3 - 抽象工厂模式

之前我们介绍了工厂设计模式,现在我们再看一下抽象工厂设计模式。抽象工程模式顾名思义就是对工厂模式的一层抽象,也是创建型模式的一种,通常用来创建一组存在相关性的对象。 UML类图大致如下: 类图比较复杂,最好用个例子来说明。比方说,国内有两家生产运动服的工厂:nike和adidas 。现


为了学习自然语言处理NLP,申请学校的老师给我发了100题,准备自己从零开始学python,记录一下。 https://nlp100.github.io/zh/ 00. 反转字符串 将字符串”stressed”中的字符以逆序形式(从末尾到首部)重组为新的字符串。    我选择了切片法:https://www.jianshu.com/p/15715d6f4dad


提供模块服务接口: module module.first { exports first.p1; // provides first.p1.Shoe // with first.p2.DoubleStar,first.p2.Warrior; provides first.p1.Shoe with first.p1.ShoeFactory;//必须实现public static provider方法 } 使用模块服务接口: module mod

LightOJ - 1370 - Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe(欧拉函数)

链接: https://vjudge.net/problem/LightOJ-1370 题意: Bamboo Pole-vault is a massively popular sport in Xzhiland. And Master Phi-shoe is a very popular coach for his success. He needs some bamboos for his students, so he asked his assistant Bi-Shoe to go to the

Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe(欧拉函数模板题)

https://www.csdn.net/link/?target_url=https%3A%2F%2Fvjudge.net%2Fproblem%2FLightOJ-1370&id=71192453&token=b8b8a5128d97274aa569f02eb01ee1e0 #include <iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #define ll long long using namespac

A - Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe (素数筛)

Bamboo Pole-vault is a massively popular sport in Xzhiland. And Master Phi-shoe is a very popular coach for his success. He needs some bamboos for his students, so he asked his assistant Bi-Shoe to go to the market and buy them. Plenty of Bamboos of all p

lightoj 1370 Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe

      PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Bamboo Pole-vault is a massively popular sport in Xzhiland. And Master Phi-shoe is a very popular coach for his success. He needs some bamboos for his stude


题目:LightOJ 1370 - Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe (欧拉函数思想) Bamboo Pole-vault is a massively popular sport in Xzhiland. And Master Phi-shoe is a very popular coach for his success. He needs some bamboos for his students, so he asked his assistant Bi-Shoe to go to t

Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe

欧拉函数中的性质 Φ(p)=p-1,p为素数。所以这个题算是贪心+数论吧。每个Φ(p)=p-1;只要从p开始,找素数,那么一定有Φ(k)>=p-1;只有当p=k时,等号成立。 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <string> 4 #include <map> 5 #include <set> 6 #include <algorithm>

Bi-shoe and Phi-shoe (欧拉函数)

题目描述:   题目大意:一个竹竿长度为p,它的score值就是比p长度小且与且与p互质的数字总数,比如9有1,2,4,5,7,8这六个数那它的score就是6。给你T组数据,每组n个学生,每个学生都有一个幸运数字,求出要求买n个竹子每个竹子的score都要大于或等于该学生的幸运数字,每个竹竿长度就是花费,求最小花费


在Spring中,事务有两种实现方式: 编程式事务管理: 编程式事务管理使用底层源码可实现更细粒度的事务控制。spring推荐使用TransactionTemplate,典型的模板模式。 申明式事务管理: 添加@Transactional注解,并定义传播机制+回滚策略。基于Spring AOP实现,本质是对方法前后进行拦截, 方法开始

The Jordan Why Not Zero.2 Performance Review is here

Traction performed just as I had initially anticipated: they just gripped. Dust was never really a huge problem unless the floor at 24 Hour Fitness hadn’t been cleaned all week — yes, that actually happens at my 24 Hour Fitness. However, when the dust bui