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基本感觉训练 英语阅读训练 目前每日计划:(洛谷难度评分)5入门(红),3普及-(橙), 20220730 红1:ICPC Balloons 题目描述 In an ICPC contest, balloons are distributed as follows: Whenever a team solves a problem, that team gets a balloon. The first team to solve a problem gets


听佬一席话,胜刷一周题。要抓住一切机会和佬尬聊啊hhh 起源 和佬的尬聊中,偶然提及了并查集。学了一周算法的\(shanzr\)自信地打出他最喜欢的板子: int fa[10010]; int myFind(int x){while(x!=fa[x])x=fa[x]=fa[fa[x]];} void myUnion(int a,int b){fa[myFind(a)]= myFind(b);} 很