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Apr 19th 2022

The city goverment says it's enhancing coordination between temporary hospital and residential communities regarding recorvered COVID-19 patients who were discharged(出院) and still require quarantine at home. More neighbors are starting understand tha


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报九年级第10期答案汇总   When it comes to weight loss. 80 percent of people try to do it on their own. Says John LaRosa, president of Marketdata. which tracks the $4 billion commercial U.S. weight loss industry. He says apps like M


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第39期答案汇总   A growing body of research is revealing associations between birth defects(缺陷) and a father's age, alcohol use and environmental factors, say researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center. They say

Pandemic nowhere near over, new variants likely to emerge, says WHO chief

NEW DELHI: The Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, the World Health Organization chief said on Tuesday while cautioning against the narrative that the fast-spreading Omicron variant is mild. "This pandemic is nowhere near over, and with the incredibl

Who Says a Pun?

题目描述 有一个长为NN的字符串SS。 考虑所有SS中没有重复部分的两个内容相同的子串,这些子串中长度最长的有多长? 例如字符串S="ababa",那么最长相同子串的长度是2,因为子串"ab"在S中出现了两次。 子串"aba"虽然也在S中出现了两次,但是出现的位置有重复部分(在第3个字符位置),所以不符

大学英语(第二册)复习(原文及全文翻译)——Unit 2 - he Dinner Party(晚宴)

Unit 2 - The Dinner Party A heated discussion about whether men are braver than women is settled in a rather unexpected way. The Dinner Party I first heard this tale in India, where is told as if true -- though any naturalist would know it couldn't b

每日日报 20210125

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"


  1 ①Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park. ②The Parkrun phenomenon began with a dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. ③Events are free, staffed by thousands o


最常用的ES6特性let, const, class, extends, super, arrow functions, template string, destructuring, default, rest arguments这些是ES6最常用的几个语法,基本上学会它们,我们就可以走遍天下都不怕啦!我会用最通俗易懂的语言和例子来讲解它们,保证一看就懂,一学就会。let, const这

2021-01-22 Science对于“Misused images”图片误用的报道

High-profile Chinese scientist cleared of fraud and plagiarism charges involving more than 60 papers By Dennis NormileJan. 22, 2021 , 11:05 AM A prominent Chinese scientist who faced allegations of image manipulation in dozens of papers (图片操纵) has been

US companies looking at China for growth, says CNBC

China may help the US companies weather the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, said the US business news cable network CNBC in its report "US companies with China operations look to the Asian giant for growth" on Nov 16. The report said China is s

正则 re

import re line = 'asdf fjdk; afed, fjek,asdf, foo' # 切割 print(re.split(r'[;,\s]\s*', line)) # ['asdf', 'fjdk', 'afed', 'fjek', 'asdf', 'foo'] # 分组替换 print(re.sub(r�

【考研英语阅读精读100篇】2007 法律类 #2 A BURNING IN ALABAMA

"This is not the type of place where this happens," city council president George Carlton told a reporter, after the horror became public in his hometown, Sylacauga, Ala. He echoed what was said in Jasper, Texas, a year ago. Few people then had

Find places for two queens

One day,Li Lei and Han Mei Mei are playing together. Li Lei says:"Oh~,Dear Mei Mei,Let's play a game,would you like to try?" Mei Mei says:"Oh~,I'd like to." Li Lei says:"I will bring a N by N checkerboard and two kinds o


解决this指代的三种常用方法 JavaScript语言的this对象一直是一个令人头痛的问题。在这里,我们以一个简单小例子来为大家讲解! 原文链接:https://editor.csdn.net/md/?articleId=105790363 直接上代码: class Animal { constructor() { this.type = 'animal';


python本身支持多态,即参数不用指定数据类型,所有多态在python中没有意义,因为python中多态都是这么写的: class Foo1: def f1(self): pass class Foo2: def f1(self): pass class Foo3: def f1(self): pa

drop out, learning rate in nn

use different initial learning rates, says: 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, if 1e-5 is the best one, that means your network is too complicate. you may want reduce to the layers. 点赞 收藏 分享 文章举报 seamanj 发布了748 篇原创文章

L388 Five Ways to Manage Travel Sickness

1 Avoid triggers Don’t travel on small planes, which tend to be worse than larger jets. If you are on a boat, keep towards the centre, where there is less movement. In a car, being the driver helps; the worst place to sit is in the back seat, because it i

L295 how to turn down a job but keep a good relationship with the hiring manager

  Let’s say you’re on the hunt for a new job. Three interviews in, you realize it’s not the place for you—maybe the position doesn’t seem like a good fit, or you didn’t hit it off with your potential boss. You do, however, want to stay in touch with the


《C标准库(英文版)》是由世界级C语言专家编写的C标准库经典著作,影响了几代程序员。  《C标准库(英文版)》集中讨论了C标准库,全面介绍了ANSI/ISO C语言标准的所有库函数。书中通过引用ISO C标准的相关部分,详细讲解了每一个库函数的使用方法,并通过示例描述了其实现细节,且给出了实现