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Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pytest-html>=3.1.1

python项目在安装某个包依赖时,提示了Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pytest-html>=3.1.1这个错误, 解决方案是使用pip命令直接安装pytest-html>=3.1.1就行。 pip install pytest-html>=3.1.1 碰到其他的装依赖时提示Could not find a version that sat

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement yaml , no matching distribution found for ya

python 3 pip install yaml时候,总是提示没找到yaml的版本 具体提示如下: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement yaml (from versions: none)ERROR: No matching distribution found for yaml 然后百度了下,说是可以用pip3 install 尝试,还是不行 又有说Py

jsonpath安装失败--ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jsonpath

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jsonpathERROR: No matching distribution found for jsonpath 报错信息如上 在网上随便搜了下解决方案 没找到emmm 然后我试了下wheel安装 竟然还不行  非常郁闷 无意中翻到stackoverflow 有个类似的问题  h