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SpringAOP基于注解编程中通知方法参数问题 1、问题引入 在测试基于注解编程过程中,出现如下异常: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'calculatorImpl' defined in file [D:\Java\SSM\ssm-my\SSM\spring-aop\spring-aop\targpostgresql中数据插入,与returning的用法
--批量插入 1.insert into ... select ... INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME SELECT * FROM SOURCE_TABLE_NAME; 2.insert into values(),(),() 一条sql插入多行数据,相比一条插入能减少与数据库交互,减少数据库wal日志生成,提升插入效率 3.COPY或者\copy元命令 测试copy命令效率,测试机:2核2g内Principles about returning a large data chunk from a function
When a large data chunk is to be generated by a function, it can be either acquired from the function’s return value or passed by reference or pointer as an in/out variable. According to my development experience, I have summarized the following principleEffective C++ 笔记 —— Item 28: Avoid returning “handles” to object internals.
Suppose you’re working on an application involving rectangles. Each rectangle can be represented by its upper left corner and its lower right corner. To keep a Rectangle object small, you might decide that the points defining its extent shouldn‘t be store