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"!"运算符不利于快速理解。 Inspection info: 避免采用取反逻辑运算符。 说明: 取反逻辑不利于快速理解,并且取反逻辑写法必然存在对应的正向逻辑写法。 反面例子: // Use `if (!(x >= 628))` to represent that x is less than 628. if (!(x >= 628)) {[paper reading][EMNLP 2017] A Structured Learning Approach to Temporal Relation Extraction
目录1 Introduction2 Background EMNLP 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.04943.pdf learn temporal relations in natural language text 1 Introduction timex extraction: easy temporal relation: hard directed temporal graph nodes represent temporal entities edgeLeetCode | 401. Binary Watch
. 题目 A binary watch has 4 LEDs on the top which represent the hours (0-11), and the 6 LEDs on the bottom represent the minutes (0-59). Each LED represents a zero or one, with the least significant bit on the right. For example, the below binary watch rModel、Entity、DTO区别
The definition of these terms is quite ambiguous. You will find different definitions at different places.Entity: An entity represents a single instance of your domain object saved into the database as a record. It has some attributes that we represent as萌新web12
Although we still can use passthru() to execute commands but we can not appoint 'config.php' to be inspected. Even though we all know that the flag is hidden under that above file in red staff. FYI: the wildcard character in Linux is '自学C#多线程Thread的应用
WMI是英文Windows Management Instrumentation的简写,它的功能主要是:访问本地主机的一些信息和服务,可以管理远程计算机(当然你必须要拥有足够的权限),比如:重启,关机,关闭进程,创建进程等。 当然此文是适用于vbscript 微软官方的资料: 实例如下: 用WMI,先工程-引用 Microsoft WMI Scripting2019 ICPC Asia Yinchuan Regional I. Base62(高精度/BigInteger)
As we already know, base64 is a common binary-to-text encoding scheme. Here we define a special series of positional systems that represent numbers using a base (a.k.a. radix) of 2 to 62. The symbols '0' -- '9' represent zero to nine,转:UI自动化学习-PageObject六大原则
UI自动化学习-PageObject六大原则 The public methods represent the services that the page offers 公共方法表示页面提供的服务 Try not to expose the internals of the page 不要暴露页面的细节 Generally don't make assertions Page设计中不要出现断言,应该写在测试用例类中Hinton胶囊神经网络新作How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural network(一)
How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural network 21年2月底,深度学习教父Hinton发表了一篇新的论文《How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural network》。 这是自2017年开展胶囊网络研究以来的第四篇文章,是神经网络领域研究的最前沿,也可以认为是Algorithmic Engagements 2009 Fishes 拓扑 + 最小表示法
题意 在遥远的群岛上,生活着一种罕见的食肉鱼。这些鱼的生活节奏非常有规律。每条鱼每天早上在同一时间醒来,然后去打猎。傍晚,它又回到出发的地方 每天同一时间在那里睡觉,但它可能会在不同的地方醒来,因为它可能会被洋流稍微移动。 在一整天中,鱼儿都会坚持以下规则:每时每刻它都What does an 'r' represent before a string in python? [duplicate]
What does an 'r' represent before a string in python? [duplicate] r means the string will be treated as raw string. From here: When an 'r' or 'R' prefix is present, a character following a backslash is included in the string同义词
分数 fractions score 获得 get obtain 采用 adopt use 表示 denote represent 标记 mark label 重定位 reposition repositioning relocation 化合物 compound 化学的;化学药品 chemical 特征 characteristic feature trait 特性 properity feature characteristic charactePageObject六大原则
The public methods represent the services that the page offers 公共方法表示页面提供的服务 Try not to expose the internals of the page 不要暴露页面的细节 Generally don't make assertions Page设计中不要出现断言,应该写在测试用例类中 Methods return other PageObjectjava.lang.InternalError: name is too long to represent 问题解决
在编译非常大的JSP时,会出现java.lang.InternalError: name is too long to represent异常,可采用如下办法来解决: 1.减少JSP大小 2.修改tomcat下的路径为tomcat\conf\web.xml文件中的suppressSmap设置为true即可【leetcode】【easy】401. Binary Watch
401. Binary Watch A binary watch has 4 LEDs on the top which represent the hours (0-11), and the 6 LEDs on the bottom represent the minutes (0-59). Each LED represents a zero or one, with the least significant bit on the right. For example, the aboveVulkan SDK之 FrameBuffer
The Vulkan Framebuffer Framebuffers represent a collection of memory attachments that are used by a render pass instance. Examples of these memory attachments include the color image buffers and depth buffer that we created in previous samples. A framebugit
实习项目使用git记录 查看当前是否为主分支 .git 文件夹是与项目一级目录平级。在 .git文件夹所在目录,右键 git bash here, 如果当前是主分支master,则无法提交推送, 使用命令 git checkout delevop, 切换成develop分支 如果非最新版本,需要先拉取最新分支(up to date)到本地 (即别