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Effect of the new maternity insurance scheme on medical expenditures for caesarean delivery in Wuxi,


Codeforces 70E Information Reform 题解

Codeforces 70E Information Reform 题解 这道题给人的直觉是树形dp,但采用传统的 dp 状态设计是不行的,难以处理点的覆盖与建立基站的关系。 改变思路,考虑到每个点都要依赖恰好一个基站,干脆把当前点依赖的基站记进状态 设 \(dp_{i,j}\) 为子树 \(i\) 都被覆盖,点 \(i\) 依赖的是 \(j

E. New Reform(dfs判环/并查集判环)

https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/659/E 思路: 构造发现如果没有环,让一个点牺牲最大,剩下全部能到;如果有环就没有牺牲 #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<queue> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<map> #include<set> #include&l

[CF1468J] Road Reform - 最小生成树

[CF1468J] Road Reform - 最小生成树 Description 给定无向带权图和参数 k,第 i 条边权值为 si,求一棵生成树,并可以对树上边进行修改,每次修改使得边权 +1 或者 -1,使得边权最大值 =k,求最小操作数。 Solution 如果所有边权都小于等于 k,好办,选一条最大的,剩下的随便选 如果存在边权大于

Documentarian Michael Wood: Chinese people key to reform 2020-11-28

Documentarian Michael Wood: Chinese people key to reform "I feel so emotional, while very proud of our history and what China has gone through so far" and "I have so much to say but I cannot because I'm moved to tears" are reflect