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解决vue3+ts require报错

   自己安装命令安装之后,在ts.config.json里面配置之后(最后一行) { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "module": "esnext", "strict": true, "jsx": "preserve", "importHel

C++ beginner(2)- variable

initialization int x{}; // x is filled with zeroes, so x == 0 int x{123}; int x(123); int a, b = 123, c{}, d{456}, e(789); int* x, y, z; == int* x; int y; int z; int *x, y, *z Reference C++ has two kinds of references: “lvalue” and “rvalue.” Just like wi

C++ 引用

10. 引用 References are a new data type in C++; Local or global variables For ordinary variables, the initial value is required In parameter lists and member variables Binding defined by caller or constructor char c; // a character char* p =

university sql脚本

create table classroom (building varchar(15), room_number varchar(7), capacity numeric(4,0), primary key (building, room_number) ); create table department (dept_name varchar(20), building

解决spring boot 2.6.4版本循环依赖问题

引用spring boot 2.6.4 版本 报循环依赖错误 *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle: targeterBeanPostProcessor defined

SpringBoot 实现自定义指标监控 (转)

https://www.cnblogs.com/chanshuyi/p/07_springboot_custom_index_monitor.html https://yunlzheng.gitbook.io/prometheus-book/part-iii-prometheus-shi-zhan/references

4.5 rust the Reference Counted Smart Pointer

Rc<T>, the Reference Counted Smart Pointer In the majority of cases, ownership is clear: you know exactly which variable owns a given value. However, there are cases when a single value might have multiple owners. For example, in graph data structur


5.7 Back-references and Subexpressions back-references are regular expression commands which refer to a previous part of the matched regular expression. Back-references are specified with backslash and a single digit (e.g. ‘\1’). The part of the regular

【牛客SQL】SQL46 在audit表上创建外键约束,其emp_no对应employees_test表的主键id

题目描述 题解 添加外键: ALTER TABLE 从表 ADD CONSTRAINT `外键名` FOREIGN KEY (`从表外键字段`) REFERENCES 主表 (`主键字段`) 运行时间:52ms 超过20.92% 用Mysql提交的代码 占用内存:7312KB 超过26.94%用Mysql提交的代码 ALTER TABLE audit ADD CONSTRAINT `emp_audi


有关grant,revoke使用语法: 原码: grant all privileges on table student,class to U1 with grant option; 结果: 修改: grant select,references,insert,update,delete on student to U1 with grant option; grant select,references,insert,update,delete on class to


多表更新 多表更新通过UPDATE语句实现,其语法是: UPDATE TABLE_references SET col_name1 = { expr1 | DEFAULT } [ , … ] [WHERE WHERE_cONditiON] 多表删除 多表删除通过DELETE语句实现,其语法为: DELETE tbl_name[.*] [ , tbl_name[.*] ] ... FROM TABLE_references [ WHERE WHE


一、Parcel是什么 Container for a message (data and object references) that can be sent through an IBinder. A Parcel can contain both flattened data that will be unflattened on the other side of the IPC (using the various methods here for writing specific typ


error: non-ASM statement in naked function is not supported error: parameter references not allowed in naked functions error: non-ASM statement in naked function is not supported error: parameter references not allowed in naked functions 解决办法:ARM Compile


   官网 dockerfile样例网址:https://docs.docker.com/samples/#library-references  

JAVA语法糖之Lambda表达式、方法引用(Method References)

Lambda表达式官方描述:         One issue with anonymous classes is that if the implementation of your anonymous class is very simple, such as an interface that contains only one method, then the syntax of anonymous classes may seem unwieldy and unclear. In


规格说明是团队开发的关键,是分配责任的基础。规格说明是实现者和使用者之间的一种契约,实现者有责任满足契约,使用者可以信赖契约。准确的规格说明利于确定错误的位置和责任,客户端不需要阅读代码,通过说明了解程序。 规格说明给了实现者实现的自由,在保证约定下,可以自由修改实现。


cmake报错: -- The imported target "vtk" references the file "/usr/bin/vtk" but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include: * The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location. * An install or uninstall procedure did


工具准备 下载MAT(Memory Analysis Tools)工具:http://www.eclipse.org/mat/  安装好后,调整工具的最大内存使用量 编辑文件:/Applications/mat.app/Contents/Eclipse/MemoryAnalyzer.ini  JVM分析 通过mat打开dump文件,打开后的首页,里面是一些堆的基本概要信息,比如空间大小、类的

universal references

避免overloading on universal references std::multiset<std::string> names; void logAndAdd(const std::string&name) { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); log(now,"logAndAdd"); names.emplace(name); } std::string petName("


很多期刊给出的LaTeX模板中要求参考文献使用\bibitem格式,不能将参考文献放在.bib文件中,而是使用\bibitem{}命令(花括号里写正式的引文)类似于下图这种,写在论文的.tex文件中。文献较多时手动添加显然不太实际,解决方法是通过bibtex实现批量处理。 第一步 首先将所有文献的bibtex引用

【Leakcanary】Fixing a memory leak

refrence from :https://square.github.io/leakcanary/fundamentals-fixing-a-memory-leak/ A memory leak is a programming error that causes an application to keep a reference to an object that is no longer needed. Somewhere in the code, there’s a reference th


参考:Word中如何实现图片自动编号与文中引用编号对应 自动编号: References >> Insert Caption 文中引用: References >> Cross-reference    具体的可以测试下,很方便,记得最后需要 update field


  1)python2.7.3安装   在www.python.org上下载python-2.7.6.amd64.msi软件,安装完成后设置path路径。控制面板->高级系统设置->高级->环境变量->新建用户变量,输入变量名path,变量值,确定,确定。   查看设置是否成功:cmd->python,有如下图输出,说明环境变量设置成功。   2)set

Universal References in C++11(&&)

关于c++11中的右值引用,这篇文章讲得清晰透彻。涵盖左值与右值的定义,type deduction,auto&&以及指定类型的&&和模板参数T&&。讲解了什么情况下&&是universal reference, rvlue reference。(

Lambdas should be replaced with method references

话不多说,直接上图   如果scanner()方法是带参数,那么这个sonar问题看着示例可以轻松解决,但是不巧的这是一个无参的方法。根据示例我尝试解决这个问题,试了好多种方法,最后皇天不负有心人,得到了解决方法: 只要将 () - > scanner()  改为  this::scaner 不妨试试