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1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(IV)

1.1.3 Background Reading(IV)   Advertising a job effectively and production informative company literature is the first step to attracting interest. To be convincing, you need to present an honest overview of the organization. This includes letting studen

1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(III)

1.1.3 Background Reading(III)     Give the careers staff a call and arrange a visit. Many advisers are specialists in particular work areas and will have seen examples of good and bad practice in graduate recruitment. They will know the best recruitment m

1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(II)

1.1.3 Background Reading(II)   Competition for the attention of undergraduates is intense, and most uiversities hold exams at the end of every term, which gives students less free time to choose an employer. If you want to reach the students, first talk t

1.1 Recruitment 1.1.1 Preparation

Unit One: Human Resources   1.1 Recruitment   1.1.1 Preparation: Words and Expressions graduate 大学毕业生 recruitment 招聘 advent 到来 trend 趋势 year-round 整年的 conspire 共同导致 intense 剧烈的 careers service 就业服务中心 campaign 活动(政治或商业性) spec

1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(I)

1.1.3 Background Reading     Graduate recruitment is becoming more complicated. The advent of online applications, a greate increase in the number of students graduating over the past few years and the trend towards year-round recruitment have all conspir

CodeForces - 1388A Captain Flint and Crew Recruitment

Despite his bad reputation, Captain Flint is a friendly person (at least, friendly to animals). Now Captain Flint is searching worthy sailors to join his new crew (solely for peaceful purposes). A sailor is considered as worthy if he can solve Flint'


瑞士联合银行(投资银行) UBS www.ubs.com 提供Summer Intern, Graduate recruitment 高盛(投资银行) Goldman Sachs www.gs.com 提供Summer Analyst, Graduate recruitment 德意志银行 Deutsche Bank www.db.com 提供Summer Intern, Graduate recruitment 美林证券(投资

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DescriptionDescriptionDescription 选第iii个武将的价值是3i−13^{i-1}3i−1,求第kkk大的代价 SolutionSolutionSolution 进制转换题,不想多说。 CodeCodeCode #include<cstdio> using namespace std;long long power[35],k,ans,j; int n; signed main() { freopen("recruit