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1.therefore 因此 2.priority 优先权 3.application 应用程序 4.pursue 追赶 5.platform 平面 6.importance  重要性 7.resouce 资源 8.ideal 理想的 9.evaluate 评估 10.you 你 11.knowledge 知识 12.popular 受欢迎的 13.interested 感兴趣的 14.share 共享 15.very 非常 16.d

The development prospect of SAP consultants in China in the next decade

The development prospect of SAP consultants in China in the next decade       I have been engaged in the sap consulting industry for more than 15 years, and I still maintain the optimistic, expectation and vision for the SAP consulting industry and the SA

Unit 26

polish point propel proper property proportion proposal propose proposition prospect prospective restore restrain restraint restrict attach attack attain attempt attend attention attitude attribute court courtesy cover create creative credit crisis drive

CF Gym102348 H - Berland Prospect

题目链接:https://codeforces.com/gym/102348/problem/H 题目大意:其实是一道挺水的题目(不然本水题质检员不会有机会做出来的...),就是输入最多3000个整数,让你找其中最长的等差序列的长度,并且输入的数的范围在0~1e18之间。 解题思路:由于本蒟蒻看到3000这个数比较小,心里顿时一番窃喜,便

