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SQL Server table hints – WITH (NOLOCK) best practices

SQL Server table hints – WITH (NOLOCK) best practices SQL Server table hints are a special type of explicit command that is used to override the default behavior of the SQL Server query optimizer during the T-SQL query execution This is accomplished by en

[AWS] IAM Best Practices

Lock away your AWS account root user access keys Create individual IAM users Use groups to assign permissions to IAM users Grant least privilege Get started using permissions with AWS managed policies Use customer managed policeis instead of inline polici


BEST PRACTICES FOR FORM DESIGN https://static.lukew.com/webforms_lukew.pdf   Top Aligned Labels  定案: 有限的宽度 Input 数量不多 需要更多的高度空间 从上到下的扫描,非常顺 Label 空间较多,合适语言替换(有些语言比较长对比英文) 适合新手或不长使用的用

K8s Security Best Practices-K8S安全最佳实践

关于安全-写在前面的:Security is complex and a process 安全是复杂的,而且是一个过程  Security combines many diffenrent things 安全结合了许多不同的东西Environments change,security cannot stay in a certain state 环境变化,安全性不能保持一定状态Attackers have advant

【译】NodeJS and Good Practices

引子 文章 《The Single Responsibility Principle》 是从《NodeJS and Good Practices》里面看到的,继续翻译记录。 翻译原文:NodeJS and Good Practices OriginMy GitHub 正文 软件总是处于随时变化中,而有助于衡量代码质量的一个方面是改动代码的容易程度。但为什么会这样呢?


Subsonic学习 简述 SubSonic,一个数据层构建器,在用于多个数据库尤其方便 1.1. 第一章 SubStage的使用 目前使用的substage是subsonic 2.1 beta2.2版本,它与subsonic 2.1 beta2.1最大的差别是能够实现把生成的实体文件放到指定项目中,少了beta2.1中复制粘贴功能。substage的功能是

Best Practices


Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces: Tips and Best Practices

转载自https://www.baeldung.com/java-8-lambda-expressions-tips 1. Overview   Now that Java 8 has reached wide usage, patterns, and best practices have begun to emerge for some of its headlining features. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look to functio

Exception Handling Best Practices in .NET

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/yefengmeander/archive/2011/08/20/2887692.html Contents IntroductionPlan for the worst Check it earlyDon't trust external dataThe only reliable devices are: the video, the mouse and keyboard.Writes

Video about Agile Testing

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/RelaxTintin/archive/2009/07/07/1518460.html As more teams are adopting Agile practices such as XP and Scrum, software testing teams are being asked to become "Agile" as well. But what does that

Video about Agile Testing

As more teams are adopting Agile practices such as XP and Scrum, software testing teams are being asked to become "Agile" as well. But what does that mean? Is the Agile label yet another buzzword? Or could it be Agile practices are actually chan

Video about Agile Testing

As more teams are adopting Agile practices such as XP and Scrum, software testing teams are being asked to become "Agile" as well. But what does that mean? Is the Agile label yet another buzzword? Or could it be Agile practices are actually chan

Best Practices for Assembly Loading

原文链接   This article discusses ways to avoid problems of type identity that can lead to InvalidCastException, MissingMethodException, and other errors. The article discusses the following recommendations: Understand the advantages and disadvantages of