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day005 点击查看代码 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @FileName :practise002.py # @Time :2022-06-02 9:34 # @Author :Mr.KGG """ 列表删除操作list 删除 """ area=["xianggang","shanghai","xinjiang","sichua

Plants V.S. Zombies小组课设报告

1.团队名称、团队成员任务分配 团队名称: 团队成员: 成员 介绍 个人博客链接 付峻霖(组长) 用户登录,数据库连接,用户排行榜,运行框架 罗翀 植物类、僵尸类、游戏界面 陈佳桐 阳光类、音乐播放器类、子弹类、准备界面 (https://www.cnblogs.com/keepgoingccc/p/15790776.h

2021-12-12 每日打卡:Leetcode周赛 第271场

一些废话 今天第一次做了leetcode周赛题目,ac了2道,总体感觉不错,下次还来。 限时编程能力不太够,第一题那么简单用了11分钟,因为我在读题……后面三道学聪明了,直接去看测试用例的解释,然后粗略的扫一遍题目关注细节。 还有wa的情况,千万要保留一下测试用例,否则还得再提交一遍wa。

1. Nuclear Reactor(二分)

Problem - 1 - Codeforces 1. Nuclear Reactor time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Dream Land has nn nuclear reactor plants. Each of the plants is positioned on a straight l


farmer.add.vue <template> <!-- <el-dialog :title="!dataForm.id ? '新增' : !disabled ? '修改' : '查看'" :close-on-click-modal="false" :visible.sync="visible" > --> &l


##1、数组去重 ####1、from()叠加new Set()方法 字符串或数值型数组的去重可以直接使用from方法。 var plants = ['Saturn', 'Earth', 'Uranus', 'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter']; var uniquePlants = Arr

[leetcode/lintcode 题解] 阿里巴巴面试题:浇花

描述 你和你的朋友都是园丁,你们要照顾好你们的植物。这些植物是连续种植的,而且每种植物都需要一定量的水。你们要用水罐给它们浇水。为了避免错误,比如浇水太多,或者根本不给植物浇水,你们决定: 按植物出现的顺序浇水:你要从左到右浇水,你的朋友要从右到左浇水; 如果你有足够的水来浇灌每


Only recently have investigators considered using these plants to clean up soil and waste sites that have been contaminated by toxic levels of heavy metals-an environmentally friendly approach known as phytoremediation.This scenario begins with the planti


Paragraph 3: He called for proof of the protectionist view that visitations of the ants confer protection on the plants and that in the absence of the insects a much greater number would perish or fail to produce flowers or seeds than when the insects are

L400 How Trees Affect the Weather

Biologists from the University of Utah including William Anderegg, Anna Trugman, and David Bowling have led new research and discovered that some trees and plants are prolific spendthrifts in drought conditions, "spending" precious soil water to


Greenhouse Effect  CodeForces - 269B  Emuskald is an avid horticulturist and owns the world's longest greenhouse — it is effectively infinite in length. Over the years Emuskald has cultivated n plants in his greenhouse, of m different plant species n

Get A Productive Asphalt Batch Plant

For consistency inside your batch mixes, you want a quality asphalt batch plant. There are several critics on this essential machinery who state that the future of asphalt mixing will eliminate these mini asphalt plants for sale. That day is significantly